Team MeFight Forty-Third Session

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The Next Step

  • The party exits the lighthouse. Shadow enwreathes the island, making what would otherwise be a bright sunny day into a grim twilight.
  • The shadows all retreat from the light bulb, but still appear a massive host against its pale glow.
  • It is resolved to go to the old naval base, at it is closest.
  • The bulb is strapped to the Ghost Elk's antlers, and everyone but Anise is given the effect of a water walking spell.
  • Predictably, two dire sharks approach as the party crosses the waterway to the lighthouse.
    • One immediately lunges after the tasty-looking elk and holds him in its jaws. He is swallowed the next turn while the party desperately beats up on the shark.
    • Tana makes herself invisible, Xorry very narrowly avoids becoming a snack. He immediately hides. Gilerl enters a rage.
    • Focused fire (literally, in Thoven's case) takes the shark out relatively quickly. Anise immediately sets to work cutting out her Elk.
    • Finished with the first shark, Gilerl rushes the second. He is immediately bitten and grabbed, managing a blow to the shark in the interim. The shark has the next turn, and swallows him.
    • Kib does what he can to obstruct things without also becoming a snack. Gilerl frees himself, and is immediately grabbed again. The shark is finished off with a blow from Kib's guisarme, after everyone else does pretty much all the damage.
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  • The Elk is cut out and resuscitated, and the party rushes out from on top of the water before the ensuing feeding frenzy becomes an issue.
  • The party sets off and makes what time it can before dark. It has to go at half speed, due to the darkness.
  • Camp is made, night falls, watch is set
  • While Anise, Thoven and Gil are on watch, a gnome appears in the middle of the camp. His eyes are pure black, and he is dressed in strange garb with a tonsure.
  • He thanks the party for awakening him, and offers them a boon.
  • The party grills him for information. He is happy to oblige, having been unable to talk to anyone for quite some time.
    • It turns out he's a lich (but none of the party yet knows what that means, thanks to terrible Arcana rolls). He settled the Gnoblins on the isle, kept them (relatively) safe, and prepared them for his return.
    • He knows nothing about the Sahuagin's aims
    • He talks a bit about history. Just as Kib is about to ask him about the Table of the Stars, Thoven, acting on a hunch, casts dispel, managing to disperse the projection the gnome was using to speak. He does not reappear.
  • The party changes their objective to be the Founder's Tomb, figuring that he is either there, or back at the Redoubt, and that he might be worth talking to in person.
  • Anise, Kib and Tana all discuss this and other things over the course of third watch


  • 50 XP Kib for slitherrr figuring out that the elk can't be grabbed and swallowed on the same turn.
  • 25 XP Thoven for an excruciatingly terrible pun
  • 2130 XP for the sharks
  • 250 XP for determining the properties of the light bulb
  • 150 XP for making a new friend