Team MeFight Sixtieth Session

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To the Temporal Authority... or not?

  • The gang heads to Whitemist Harbor to set off on their information-gathering expedition
    • The place is in chaos without leadership. They run into no trouble whatsoever getting in and out
  • Thoven gets in touch with Krebblin Marrs, to see if they can get more-or-less direct passage. He promises to keep his ears on
  • The party passes the night in Whitemist uneventually
  • In the morning, they are visited by the Affable Soldier and his attachés
    • The soldier has no idea why a team of their makeup is pursuing a long and drawn-out research trip
    • He doesn't know the details of what their mutual friend asked them to do, or why they're so hesitant, but he knows something that is a perfect fit for them in the meantime
    • The Geese need intel on the development of monster towns in the depleted lands of Fresia. The order of the day will be scouting and infiltration
    • His argument holds sway for Kib. Kib does not entirely abandon the Temporal Authority, but decides to change his tactic
      • He will send Tana there with a chunk of capital to gather allies and do their own research
    • There will be a contact in Handelat, who will have more details
    • In addition, Eyn wishes to spend a bit more time conferring with Thoven. He will meet the party in Ulth
  • The party catches the next boat they can to Ulth, meet back up with Thoven (who now has NEW SECRET POWERZ), and make it without incident to Vargain

Spending Money

  • The party makes it raaaain
    • Belt and headband for Anise
    • Belt for Gil and an armor upgrade,
    • Armor for the mounts
    • Guisarme upgrade for Kib
    • A cloak/saddle blanket of fangs for the Ghost Elk
    • Some sundries
  • Tana parts ways with the party here, to plant her investigative seeds
  • They continue overland to Handelat


  • Guards are posted here. Kib convinces them that the party can behave itself, and they get in without incident.
  • They find a passable flophouse and spend the night
  • The next morning, they are met by three people they have not seen before: An old crone, a half-orc bodyguard, and a nondescript butler-type
  • They are obviously displaying the symbol of the Azure Geese. Kib casually displays his own with a flick, and conversation begins
    • A rapid-fire rotation between languages begins as the Crone gives exposition and asks questions in Goblin, Kobold, Orcish, Giant, Sidhe, Fresian and Odessan. Kib is mostly able to keep up, everyone else catches what they can
    • The job description is relatively easy: Get intel on the organized servitor community. If possible, infiltrate it and get details
    • They describe the interior with as much as they know: Monsters are moving into the vacuum left by the plague and organizing in the spaces

...and the Journey Begins

  • The party sets out
  • They walk a day, uneventful
  • They walk a second day... and a fight happens!
    • Thoven and Gilerl are on second watch, and hear incoming footsteps. They begin awakening party members (Mag, Anise, then Kib)
    • Thoven buffs, and Mag gets the first salvo with a black tentacles casting. Roaring and yelping removes all stealthy pretense from the two-headed troll taking up that area
    • Anise spots its compatriots, four in total. The fight begins in earnest
    • Gilerl swings gleefully through the treetops and begins whaling on the one still extricating itself
    • Kib charges in, but fumbles the trip (auto-miss!). He drops his guisarme
    • Thoven sets things on fire. He does it very well
    • Mag gives trolls curses, making them easier to hit, or making it harder for them to hit
    • Anise shoots
    • The fight is relatively short, but extremely brutal. Gilerl takes many blows and comes within a hair of being disabled. Kib actually does reach the disabled status, playing dead as he "falls" off Tenpence and lets him escape. Mag takes a round of blows and manages to get hit with all of them.
    • The trolls are beaten, in the end. The party, having blooded itself, settles down to heal its wounds and reformulate its tactics with the new makeup.


  • 4000 xp to all for four two-headed trolls
  • 50 xp to Kib for the "play dead" achievement
  • Four amulets of natural armor +2, scrounged from the trolls