Team MeFight Sixty-Second Session

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Familiar Feelings

  • The party probes from a slight distance. An arcane eye and Tibbers do some recon while Anise gets antsy about some very unnatural-looking clouds.
    • A church, locked with a padlock.
    • A mausoleum
    • A parade ground
    • All houses in good repair, all streets clean.
    • One group of houses and a longhouse are freshly painted. "Constables" patrol like clockwork.
    • The painted houses each contain different mockeries of the human condition.
  • The clouds get more ominous. The party determines they are magical, and are conjuration (teleportation) (which incidentally rules out control weather, notably).
  • They decide to back off to a more defensible position. A mist envelops them, and Anise notices that they have ended up somewhere unexpected--the other side of the town, near a gatehouse.
  • They eventually get a clue that this situation is very similar to the pocket dimension situation they were in with Eyndredell. The implications of this are troubling, but they're not able to pin down any more specifics.
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  • Anise picks off the guards, who do not react. The party enters through the gatehouse, and doesn't face any resistance.
  • They start walking up the gaudily painted houses in this section of town. Anise shoots fire arrows into the homes, which all contain disconcerting tableaus of zombies mimicking human life.
    • The clouds gather more darkly and begin to produce rain, which puts out the fires.
    • A figure appears at the end of the street, dressed completely in rags. He speaks angrily, but not with words, using telepathy to express himself.
    • He calls the group very rude, and invites them to be his friends. He mentions that they are all trapped there (he implies that he is as well, but this is suspect).
    • Anise has none of it. She immediately fires on him--it does no damage (very likely protection from arrows)
    • He summons up a cloudkill and disappears from view. Anise is caught in it, and her and the Ghost Elk take some Con damage.
    • Gilerl dimension doors to where the man was, but he's not there.
    • Kib approaches from a side street and gets attacked by shadows. One manages a pretty solid strength-sapping hit.
    • Anise revises her approach. She, too, is attacked by shadows, but none land a blow.
    • A couple of them peel off to attack Gil, and he takes a hit.
    • Shortly after, the shadows are all taken out.
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  • The necromancer shouts into their heads again, inviting them to become "citizens of his town", whatever that means, by coming into the longhouse at the end of the street and taking a pledge of some sort.
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  • There's a quick healing session in front of said longhouse, and they go in.
    • There's a table inside, with the necromancer at the head of it. Statues are ominously placed around the room, six in all, and a flesh golem with a towel draped over one arm attends one end of the table (a "frankenstein butler").
  • The rag-man doesn't act aggressively, just chastises the group for being rude and telling them he's tired of not having real friends around. Kib plays along for just long enough to get him in reach of the guisarme, then goes for the trip
    • He uses a readied action to dimension door out of the way, somewhere not visible to the group. He gets angry again, and as expected, the statues and the flesh golem begin moving.
    • The battlefield is not very advantageous to the PCs, and the squishies start taking blows. Kib uses trips to give Gil AoOs, Anise shoots things, Mags debuffs and tries not to get splattered.
    • Thoven rocks a spiked pit, but unfortunately franken-butler makes its save. Statue guardians' see invisibility puts him in a type of danger he hasn't been in in quite a while.
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    • Another franken-butler crashes through a door to the north
    • All the constructs get hasted, indicating that the rag-man is still somewhere nearby. The party doesn't really have any means of acting on that information, because they're too busy dodging slam attacks.
    • A few of the statues go down, and fire magic un-hastes the two butlers (even though it doesn't damage them).
    • Rag-man reappears and gets an absolutely clutch lightning bolt off that hits every single non-animal party member. It suuuucks.
    • Anise hits him with her limning arrow, which freaks him out and causes him to pull back two guardians to act as blockers. Gil and Kib start cleaning up their side of things, others go down from elemental and arrow damage.
    • Ghost Elk gets a mad clutch spring attack bite on a guardian that finally opens an escape route for the casters.
    • Rag-man jumps out the window and his "bodyguards" rejoin the fray
    • Anise runs out to chase, he looks at her with surprise
    • Meanwhile, Mags positions a lightning bolt to kill the last two guardians at an angle that, hilariously, is in line with the Rag-Man. It bursts through the thin longhouse wall and catches him by surprise.
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    • He teleports away. The group cleans up and emergency heals.

Chasing down the necromancer

  • The party immediately starts trying to track down the caster, knowing that he's blown a lot of per-days and will be at a disadvantage, and that the pocket dimension situation gives him a severe home turf advantage if he gets a rest.
    • They notice that the longhouse has self-repaired the lightning bolt hole, adding weight to the pocket dimension hypothesis.
  • They go through all the show houses, clearing out undead on the way.
  • They check out a mausoleum (nothing interesting).
  • They go up to the market, and while they hear quite a lot of undead, it's a complicated enough territory that they ignore it for now.
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  • They end up at the locked church. The star of Alexandria on top is warped.
  • Kib punches off the lock. Inside, it is dark and undisturbed by any traffic. A font bubbles somewhere inside.
  • Just as they're about to explore a bit more thoroughly, they hear incoming footfalls from the southwest. They have two turns to prepare. What will our heroes face around this corner? TUNE IN NEXT TIME.

[[File:Prepping for counterattack.JPG]


  • 1450 xp to all 6 ancient stone guardians
  • 700 xp to all 2 flesh golems
  • 100 xp to Anise for methodically putting down zombies