Team MeFight Thirty-Eighth Session

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  • Anise gets a lucky critical shot on the Golem, making the fight a lot more manageable as it fails both of its saves and becomes 'slow'ed and 'curse'd.
  • The battle basically becomes slowly chipping off pieces of the giant statue while it tries to attack and fails (even rolling a 1 to miss, after bravely fending off the curse to get an action).
  • Anise gets another crit shortly after the first 'slow' wears off, leading to the first instance ever in which a golem has uttered the words, "Oh now COME ON." (Ok, that didn't actually happen, but it was totally thinking it)
  • It eventually crumbles into inert pieces.


  • The party sets about trying to get inside the tower.
  • Marwynn roams around looking for secret doors.
  • The party finds a stone tablet on an abutment on the west side. Thoven and Kib spectacularly fail gaining any knowledge they might gain from the stonework. It has an inscription, in Sidhe:


  • Gil does a little monkey climb to a window. The inside is very bright, and he can't make anything out.
  • Xorry does his job and gets the door open (aided by a "dispel magic" that suppresses any effect from the magical trap)
  • The door then stubbornly refuses to let Kib in, slamming shut in his face
  • Anise and Gil manage to get in through some vagary of their movement
  • Kib gets the door slammed in his face again
  • As soon as it shuts, the room Anise and Gil are in comes to life. They are attacked by four benches and two statues.
  • As Anise backs up to avoid being flanked, the door itself starts to attack her
  • Everyone outside starts wailing on the door to get it open. Kib's rapier becomes even more useful
  • The room is dealt with without too much effort.
  • After a cursory inspection, Kib decides he's tired of inanimate objects attacking first, and stabs the Westernmost door.
  • It does, indeed, come to life, and they kill it.
  • The next room is has a SOLELY ORNAMENTAL THE GM INSISTS tapestry, and a dining table with four place settings and a tablecloth.
  • Gil does the sensible thing, and jumps on top of the table. It, of course, immediately begins attacking him, along with the tablecloth
    • The tablecloth attempts a grapple, but flubs its roll. Kib wastes no time stabbing it to death
    • Gil rides the table like a pony.
    • Thoven, much more useful in this room and the last, does his fire thing.
    • Gil falls onto a summoned ball of fire from Thoven
    • Everything eventually is hacked/burned/whatever to death
  • We left the party in a room slowly filling with acrid smoke. Our immediate next action will be to start dousing fires.


  • Stone Golem
    • 9th: 900 XP
    • 8th: 1200 XP
    • 7th: 1400 XP
  • Entering the Lighthouse
    • 250 XP
  • Animated Furniture
    • 0 XP
  • For some reason I can't remember
    • 75 XP to all
  • Flatware! (ornate silver, probably worth 1gp each)
    • 5 (xorry picks up ALL OF THE THINGS)