Team MeFight Thirty-Second Session

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  • Ran around, chased after noises
  • Ended up being a bunch of illusions in the woods--the sorcerer had managed to get his whole crew onto the raft and set off with it while we chased ghosts
  • Sorc cast Invulnerability to nullify Thoven, then Resilience to nullify everything else, and got away. Anise pursued from a distance, keeping tabs.


  • The group told the halflings to sit tight, and gave chase. They were going that direction after all, anyway.
  • Not to long after, bumped into Anise, who managed to find a cave covered by an illusory rock face.
  • Got the group down. Spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to get a bunch of non-climbers, non-swimmers silently into the cave. Anise and Gil, bored, set off a trap.
  • This rouses the camp, and the sorc flings a few fireballs down a long corridor to make us go away. We comply, taking the raft with us
  • Kib dismounts the raft to take care of the animals and rope, Anise and the rest have a fun time navigating the raft to a mooring place (drenching Thoven in the process, and nearly destroying the boat).
  • The crew regroups downstream to decide on strategy.


  • 500 xp to all for the encounter (250 to Thed, and 250 to Marwynn, for subbing)
  • 15 xp to Kib, for telling the halflings to take cover
  • Pun Hit Wonder achievement to Feantari ("I'll hang tight" *GROOOOOAN*)
  • 200 xp to Fean for unexpected boatcraft prowess