Team MeFight Twelfth Session

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  • Team found fields full of quick moving, but weak, kobold zombies.
  • Met Anise, a ranger who helped with the zombie attack She was badly, badly injured and also hoped to use the farmhouse for shelter.
  • Heard grunting and burping from stables.
  • Heard characteristic zombie noises (low groans and moans) from inside farmhouse, which was boarded up.
  • Decided to explore stable.
  • Kib makes out short, fat, burping creature. Maybe a pig. Approaches stable stall.
  • Pig turns out to be undead kobold, hideously bloated.
  • Fat Kobold vomits up green bile on Kib. (Breath weapon cone, DC 15 Reflex to avoid)
  • Zombies in house go apeshit and start smashing their way out.
  • Kib tries to trip up the fat kobold, but he hobbles out of the way and charges Thoven.
  • Thed shoot Fat Kobold, which EXPLODES in a 10' radius of Bile, covering Thed and Thoven (DC 25 Reflex to avoid)
  • Thed tries to use wand to clean off bile, has a bad UMDay.
  • Zombies break through boarded up windows, doors, and rush the party. (Zombies from the house are Gnomes, not kobolds. Same sort of undead, however)
  • Party masses up in barn, beats back horde. (Thanks in no small part to Gil, who kills probably 1/3 to 1/2 of them by himself.)
  • Party wipes out Horde, retreats to stables to plan next action.

Current Time: Just after sunset.

Characteristics of Swift Zombies:

  • Highly Susceptible to Fire.
  • Are not limited to partial actions.
  • No Damage Resistance.
  • Few hitpoints.

Characteristics of Zombie Bile
When a player is covered in bile, he or she suffers the following effects : -1 to hit, -2 to AC, -5 Movement. Additionally, swift zombies will auto-charge anyone covered in boomer bile and attack them exclusively if they are within range. Bile can be removed by jumping in a body of water, or it will naturally wear off in 5 rounds.