The Granger

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An obscure and marginial figure in the Alexandrian canon. The Granger was a gnomish aesthetic monk who lived alone in the mountains of the Southern Gildenrange. He appears only once in the narrative of Alexandria, and only two of the five Testimonies even consider him worth mentioning. (Steros and Dadtim, naturally.) He does not appear in the heretical Testimony of Sayid.

Early in the career of Alexandria, shortly after her resurrection, she became haunted by strange recurring dreams calling her to the Southern Gildenrange. Against the advice of both Sayid and Stero, Alexandria followed the dreams to their source: The Granger. The details of their interaction conflict somewhat, but what they agree on is that Alexandria agreed to stay with The Granger to prepare for the coming apocalypse while the Stand (though it was not yet known as such) pressed on to Hakan Free-City in order to research those of Tremaline's Prophecies that Antioch had collected.

After only two days, however, the gnome recalled the Stand. He declared her unfit as a pupil and rejected any further efforts to instruct her as waste of time. Confused, but not particularly disappointed, the reunited Stand continued together to Hakan Free-City.

Note: The pronoun "he" is used above, but no gender is every actually ascribed to The Granger in either of the Cannonical references.