Thorn of Midnight

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By this time, Antioch accepted the Stand as his truest circle of believers and followers, and so left the regency in their hands during his attempt to assassinate the Dark Lord. Likewise, they were participants in the forging of the Thorn of Midnight, Antioch's star-iron bastard sword that Alexandria would later reforge into Entropy's End.

Mechanically, the sword was epic level and essentially beyond any reasonable measurement. At the very least, it acted as a +5 Star-iron Dancing, Transmuting Bastard Sword. Additionally, the sword was an Ego'd weapon with Int of 14, Chr of 17, and Wis of 10. It cast spells as a 15th level sorcerer, although most of it's spell selection have been lost to time, teleport was known to be among them. All things considered, only someone with the powers to control an obelisk would have a hope of hell of controlling the thing.