Wydmoor City Guard

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The City Guard is the law-enforcement agency that maintains peace and serves the public good in the city of Wydmoor. Their jurisdiction covers the entire city, including residential and commercial regions outside the wall, but is limited to maintaining law and order. The guard is not responsible for defense of the city or the rural regions surrounding it--these responsibilities fall on the Bog Wraiths. It is currently run by the sheriff, which is an elected office held by Edrell Odenthorpe.

Because this office is controlled by an elected official, its organization and behavior may be subject to significant flux when a new Sheriff is elected. In its current incarnation, it quite decentralized, with the city divided into four roughly autonomous jurisdictions called wards. These four wards correspond to four districts: residential, mercantile, crafts, and slums. The slum ward is run by the Sheriff, and the other three are run by powerful captains who answer to him. More details about these districts and their captains follow:

  • The Warrens - This district was instrumental in Edrell's election campaign, and he has repaid the residents of this region by drastically improving the quality of law enforcement here. While petty crimes like pickpocketing and burglary still occur with some regularity, violent crimes have decreased dramatically. As a result, the warren-folk remain fiercely loyal to Edrell and his approval rating here is very high.
  • Residential District - Quiet and easy to police, this district does not require a heavy guard presence. The captain of this district is a mysterious figure known only as Dandrell, a highly magical recluse that has never been seen by anyone. All of this captain's interactions with the outside world are performed by a magical gargoyle statue at the wardhouse, and the guardsmen here are incredibly loyal. His curious behavior has spawned rumors that he operates as a spymaster, but these rumors are impossible to substantiate.
  • Mercantile District - The marketplace is, perhaps, one of the weakest links in Edrell's organization. Fenn Lynrick, the captain of the district, was an outsider before Edrell appointed him to the position, and it is rumored that he is one of the preeminent smugglers operating in Wydmoor. Despite this, he is a capable captain that keeps the region free of vagrants and thieves and has fostered good will between the merchants and the guard.
  • Craftsman District - The captain of this district, Teodoria Mayn, was active in the guard before Edrell's rise to power. In fact, many of the guard that serve here were hand-picked and spared from the purges after his election. Teodoria is a stern and serious woman who seems to have earned the trust of Edrell, and she does a capable job maintaining order in this district.

Prior to Edrell's election to the sheriff, the guard was run by a Wydsomme loyalist, Klavis Glynn. He maintained a more authoritarian chain of command where the guardsmen answered to him directly, and was far more aggressive in protecting the interests of the mayor. The loss of this office has been a blow to the Wydsomme power base, as Edrell has been more selective about enforcing mayoral decrees. Wydsomme agents have been known to occasionally cause disturbances or impersonate guardsmen in more direct clashes between the mayor and the sheriff.