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Mattiverse Quest Notes 2014-08-02

Twelve Days Until the Auction

In Town

  • Everyone gets a room at the Inn, except Russ, who sleeps in the street roughly near the twigblight corpses
  • He wakes up to a crowd of locals. He makes gurmpy noises at them until the rest of the party is woken from their rooms by the commotion (and particularly, the constable, Felosial
  • The villagers have never seen the twig things, but they’ve seen injuries on things that look like they could come from them--poisoned, clawy slash marks
    • Timeline is very roughly in with apple--ten years ago or so the first apple appeared, the attacks have been going on in the last few years
  • We get some people introduced:
    • Nackle -- the old town healer, examined the original apple
    • Felosial -- Human woman, constable of Oakhurst
      • She has deputies!
    • Ol’ Nate -- a revered cattle herder who got murdered in the same way as all those cattle
      • He also ate the first apple some years before, which cured him when he was ailing. COINCIDENCE????
    • Kerowyn Hucrele, matriarch of the family (Merchants)
    • Vurnor Leng -- general store proprietor, also the Mayor
    • Ashardalon, the ancient dragon from before history that created the Ashen Lands
  • Learned some stuff dropping in with Nackle, the healer
    • Dragon cult used to occupy the citadel, back when dragons were a thing (before even Oakhurst existed)
  • Met with Kerowyn after talking to Nackle for a while
    • Twins’ dad ate the first white apple. Made ‘em mighty angry when he died
    • They followed Sir Braford and Karakas against Kerowyn’s wishes (stole some money from the vault, the scallywags, probably for provisions)
    • She tells us that people plant the seeds, but the Goblins always steal the saplings and aren't seen (or, THEY BECOME TWIGBLIGHTS <--slitherrr)
    • Bring back signet rings, 100gp each
    • Bring back alive, 250gp each
  • The party sets out

The Ravine

  • Remnants of fires. The last one is from a little while ago
  • Rope that is not old, handholds that are very old
  • Russ climbs down first, then Edi
  • They come to a ledge some fifty feet down
  • Ambushed by dire rats!
    • 3 of em! Two get bites on Russ, another on Edi. They are both inflicted with SOMETHING SOMETHING, have some (recorded) days before SOMETHING SOMETHING
    • Russ pushes one off the ledge
    • Apt and Mad try to get down the rope
    • Edi burns the other two, and Russ sticks the last to finish it off
  • There are switchbacky stairs down. They get to the bottom of the stairs without incident
  • As soon as Apt steps in after Russ, another rat! Apt, too, is inflicted.
  • While Russ is looking around, he stumbles into a trap!
    • Another rat, dispatched quickly
    • Goblin corpses. One is fresh, the other two a month or so old.
    • Some loot on the fresh one
    • While fiddling around, the door snaps shut.
    • Apt tries to disable it and fails, then opens it by tossing a dire rat corpse on it
  • Open the front door
    • Find goblin corpses, killed violently. Indications are that it was probably done by adventuresome types
    • Searching finds a secret door.
    • It is trapped. Apt manages to set it off by flubbing DD roll, takes small damage. The needle was poisoned long ago, but now is not
    • Inside are skeletons that were evidently archers in defense of the place before it sunk.
    • Archers were probably killed when the citadel fell
  • Apt goes inside the nook to loot the skeletons. They stand up and attack!
    • A couple of hits on Apt, then Mad is able to throw in a bomb and the rest go down easy.
    • Russ puts the skeletons back and closes the door, intending to keep it from being found later
  • A Hallway
    • Three doors, south one is stone and securely locked
  • Another room, north
    • Empty. So empty. Magnificently empty. Majestically empty. Platonically empty.
  • Room, west
  • Fire pit, metal cage (open), whimpering pathetic thing in blankets
    • It’s a kobold. after struggling for a bit, he calms down and reveals his name as Meepo
    • Meepo is sad because he lost their mascot to the goblins
    • The mascot was a flying/swimming/acid breathing lizard thing, about two Meepos large.
  • Some kobolds start filing in.
    • After alarmed posturing, Edi convinces Meepo to tell the rest that we’re here to help with the mascot
    • Mascot’s name is Calcryx
    • The leader is named Yusdrayl (“queen”)
  • Meepo leads the party through a bunch of rooms, comes to a bigger room.
    • It is filled with impressive columns, all with a dragon motif
  • It is her Throne Room. Her throne is cobbled together from an altar and some bits of masonry.
    • The backing is a dragon, with a metallic key in its mouth. It looks suspiciously "locked stone door" sized
    • Some items on the altar part of the throne
  • Six bodyguards, and three kobolds patrolling the throne room
  • She calls herself “The Dragon Queen”
    • Offers reward and safe passage if we get the mascot (reward is two of her treasures, or the key behind her)
    • The apple is from an orchard below
    • The Outcast lurks there, grows the fruit
    • Goblins call him Belek
    • the Humans and Dwarf were seen. They fought the Goblins, haven’t seen em since
  • Meepo leads to a hallway far away
    • We convince him to keep coming for a while
    • Empty room, then a room with a fountain and a closed door
    • Door has negative energy lock
    • fountain has a word that ends up, when spoken, to be a keyword. The liquid that comes from the fountain is collectible, and it is a potion of acid breathing.

Map So Far



  • 10 xp to Apt for coining Twigblight so abs doesn't have to change the name on everything
  • 10 xp to Apt for using a dire rat corpse to open the trap door
  • 20 xp to Edi for opening the door with positive energy
  • 400 xp for dealing with the dragon queen
  • 100xp for skeletons
  • 100xp for the 3 rats on the ledge
  • 20 xp for the rat at the bottom
  • 20 xp for the rat in the trap
  • 23 sp 4 gp from the goblin corpses (spread among party, Russ tracking remainder)
  • 11 sp 1 gp from skeletons