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Revision as of 16:06, 19 September 2009 by (Talk)

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Kib Absold uses a polearm, and an attachment is growing around that style of soldierly combat. Perhaps this could become canon for the Odessan armed forces in general (the Swedes of this Realm)?


Afraid the pole arm is spoken for: you're looking for the Sentinel of Alexia. Odessan armies are longbow-fueled. (The kingdom, in the far past, had an alliance with the elves). Though, as it turns out, it's widely known the Doge of Alexia, and pretty much Alexia itself, is actually an Odessan puppet.



I can dig that. I'll just presume that I led pole-armed infantry divisions that supported the longbowmen.


Currently, Kib's origin is "somewhere in Odessa". Can we nail that down any? I'd picture him as probably being from the capital, or from the metropolitan area of the capital, given his father's past and current achievements and predicaments, but what would that place be like? Is it an inland city with a large river access, or is it a port town? Has it been the capital for quite a long time, or is the seat of the Monarchy relatively new to the area? What's the racial make-up of the area? Is everyone Alexandrian, or are there significantly large groups of people who worship something else? - Slitherrr 23:26, 18 September 2009 (EDT)

Also, what's King Aden's reputation? Kindly, or cruel? Able, or incompetent? Diplomatic, or brash? Stolid, or capricious? MAN OH MAN I COULD FIND ANTONYMS ALL DAY. -Slitherrr 23:29, 18 September 2009 (EDT)

The best way to get it nailed down is to fill in the article and nail it down yourself :) You would do a fab job! I basically did the entries on Fresia and Flannary because there weren't any and I wanted to flush out Germain a bit. If Jones doesn't like anything, he'll change it, and it usually inspires him to write down more of his thoughts so its good for all of us. - 16:06, 19 September 2009 (EDT)