Talk:Kib Absold's Character Sheet

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Leveling notes (for my reference)


  • 1: Prof 1(prof bonus feat:negotiator, standard feat: imp unarmed, human feat: combat reflexes, FRW: +2/+3/+1, BAB: +0)
  • 2: Prof 2(canny defense, FRW: +2/+4/+2, BAB: +1)
  • 3: Fighter 1(fighter bonus feat: combat expertise, standard feat: imp trip, FRW: +4/+4/+2, BAB: +2)
  • 4: Prof 3(stat point: +1 INT, prof bonus feat: forceful personality, FRW: +5/+4/+4, BAB: +3)
  • 5: Prof 4 (uncanny dodge, FRW: +5/+5/+5, BAB: +4)
  • 6: Prof 5 (standard feat: mounted combat, prof bonus feat: hindering opportunist), FRW: +5/+5/+5, BAB: +4)
  • 7: Prof 6 (leadership training, FRW: +6/+6/+6, BAB: +5)
  • 8: Prof 7 (prof bonus feat: luck of heroes, stat point: cha, FRW: +7/+7/+7, BAB: +6/+1)
  • 9: Field Marshall 1 (standard feat: endurance OR great trip, heroic rally, commanding presence(skill checks), FRW: +9/+7/+9, BAB: +7/+2)
  • 10: Field Marshall 2 (imp leadership, commanding presence (saves and init), FRW: +10/+7/+10, BAB: +8/+3)
  • 11: Prof 8 (tactical competence, FRW: +10/+8/+11, BAB: +9/+4)
  • 12: Prof 9 (stat point: cha, prof bonus feat: lightning reflexes, standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative OR weapon focus (guisarme),FRW: +11/+10/+13, BAB: +9/+4)
  • 13: Field Marshall 3 (keen awareness, commanding presence(ac), FRW: +11/+11/+13 BAB: +10/+5)
  • 14: Prof 10 (prof development (mettle or slippery mind or imp uncanny dodge), FRW: +11/+12/+14, BAB: +11/+6/+1)
  • 15: Field Marshall 4 (standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative OR weapon focus(guisarme), commanding presence(to hit/damage), commanding presence range increase, FRW: +12/+12/+15, BAB: +12/+7/+2)
  • 16: Field Marshall 5 (stat point: cha, inspiration,FRW: +12/+13/+15, BAB: +13/+8/+3)

  • 17: Prof 11 OR Sentinel 1 OR Rogue 1
  • 18: Prof 12 OR Sentinel 2 OR Rogue 2 (standard feat: blind-fight OR improved grapple OR imp initiative)
  • 19: Prof 13 OR Sentinel 3 OR Rogue 3
  • 20: Prof 14 OR Sentinel 4 OR Rogue 4 (stat point: cha)


Keep Diplomacy, Intimidate, Spot, Listen, Sense Motive capped.

Add to the next as points permit (highest priority first):

  • Bluff (the more in this the better)
  • Knowledge(whatever--local is good to have, arcana is definitely useful, nobility gives diplo synergy, arch and engineering give search synergy, history gives tons of useful tidbits, dungeoneering gives aberration knowledge, the list goes on)
  • Search (some points in this to make good use of the belt of Dwarvenkind)
  • Speak Language (as appropriate, but the more the merrier. Currently, Hakni and Gnomish [and Sidhe] are the languages the party has that Kib doesn't, and more Servitor languages would also be great.)
  • Use Rope (securing a grapple is DC 10 +2/10', up to 50', with fail by 5 or more being the very bad result, so +15 is a reasonable target)
  • Swim (enough to keep afloat in water--without armor, that's a +5 for calm and +10 for rough)
  • Climb (good to have, +6 or so without armor is enough to not fall from most relatively easy climbs)
  • Ride (+9 gives automatic fight with warhorse success (+11 if horse damaged). +14 for most of the other stuff. +19 for fast mount, but that's modified by armor check).
  • Handle Animal (don't need this too high, but it's good with horses. +9/+11 needed to never fail a trick)

MFC Language Table

MFC Languages by Member
Odessan Celesti Ubrekti Gnomish Fresian Dwarvish Flanneri Goblin Kobold Sidhe Sylvan
Kib x x x ! x x x x
Thed x x x x x
Thoven x x x x
Gilerl x x
Anise x x x x
Neven x x x x

Talky talky

Adding Fresian to my languages. Time to get to know Thoven better. Alriiiight. -Slitherrr