Talk:Ethereal Chest

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Revision as of 15:25, 20 February 2011 by Slitherrr (Talk | contribs)

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Well shit, you should have mentioned it before I totaled up the coins. ::sigh:: Let me pull those out, then.
Does that include the subchest with the copper? Honestly, it's all ours by right of his extraction team being douchebags, but his twisted honor should at least let us take a chest that he obviously never owned.


Well, I assume it went without saying, actually. You guys rushed out of the fortress with the body, who was going to get the chest?
I suppose this is the danger of not clearly demarcating what is being done with an obviously not portable piece of equipment.
We could only rush out so quickly, we would have had to go back to the room and pack our stuff back up. Also, we have a horse--there isn't much that's non-portable, even a chest full of 234 lbs of coins. -Slitherrr
I re-read your sentence and the part "with the body". Yeah, we rushed out at that point, but remember that Kib had removed his equipment to deal with doing mining stuff (explicitly mentioned). Pegg's words, if I recall correctly, were along the lines of "gather your stuff and go," not "leave now", and even if they were the latter, Kib would never have a reason to leave his weapons and armor there without it being explicitly said that Pegg was forcing them to. And if he's gathering that, grabbing the chest to go on Tenpence's back isn't much more effort, especially since Anise's body wasn't going anywhere.-Slitherrr
Chest'o'coin, I mean, since you've already said that Pegg said to leave the Ethereal chest behind. -Slitherrr
I hate that it wasn't more clear - but that chest has been a problem in that regard since it appeared. OTOH, the chest is the ONE thing Pegg will not let you take, and would demand it specifically even if hidden. -gm
Right, I'm not saying he wouldn't, but the chest WITHIN the chest has nothing to do with him. I mean, it's only 200gp worth of coin, so whatevs, but it would be hella useful for paying a housekeeping staff. -Slitherrr
*sigh* I could care less, really. Just take the damn copper then.
Yeeeah, this whole thread went longer than I meant for it to. I think my brain was attached to the number "10k", even though the other part of me knew very well it was associated with a "cp". Too much effort to change the inventories to reflect things, so Pegg can keep it, and sorry for continuing to be a pain in the arse. -Slitherrr
Eh, not a problem. I mean, if you guys wanted to be "Oh, that chest, hold on we need to get some of our stuff out of it," I guess you could, but I think that sort of goes against the scene at the time and, honestly, I doubt 100 dollars in copper was paramount on your minds. (Oh, and I'm sure the Quest Chain Rewards will more than offset the loss) -gm
QUEST CHAAAAIN. AN ARMY FOR KIB, A FAMILIAR FOR THOVEN, A... well, I guess I don't know what Thed wants. I don't know if we should make him any more deadly with a crossbow (I poke in a kidding way, you'll of course give him whatever you're going to give him).
I just had a funny thought. Do you think Thed should qualify for "Two Birds", just for the hilarity of it? -Slitherrr