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. . . and even if the claims are bullshit, it's hard not to imagine it being an oft claimed bloodline.

  • Totes agreed, good change -Slitherrr
    • And re: crossroads, that was what I was going for, so your change is much clearer. Teamwork! -Slitherrr
      • You're shocked my editorial hand is both light and well guided? What do you think I've been doing for the past decade? :P -gm
        • Hey, just giving credit where it's due. I'm used to responding to pull requests, where the context and structure makes +1 seem less like kissing ass. -Slitherrr


  • P,E: Looking at that map, as far as low status high influence positions, whoever dredges that river mouth to allow maritime traffic is probably hugely influential. I remember reading somewhere about the major criticism of GRRM's otherwise quite naturalist map is that a huge number of cities are build on top of river mouths. In reality, very few cities actually do this because of silt buildup, etc. Then I thought about it and realized that, yeah, most cities are somewhere on or near rivers in the interior country, but for coastal cities that seems to be a lot less true. New Orleans is a huge obvious contra example, but that's one of the most heavily engineered riverways in the world.
    • New Orleans, Chicago, Seattle all qualify (and New York, but its geographic situation is weird). New Orleans and Chicago are also hugely influential, and like you say, they do a lot of work keeping those riverbeds in more-or-less the same place year after year (and sometimes fail at it). I'll ponder a bit to see if I can think of a way of hinting at that without making it a focus-Slitherrr
  • E: I've read too much about ancient and classical cities to not always be really angry at some feature or another of fantasy cities. In this case, it drives me crazy all the dock frontage for Ianian is on the east, landward side. Probably there are significant docks for the blue water vessels south of the city not featured. Or so I tell myself. The east side docks are obviously smaller fishing craft and stuff. It's the only way it makes sense.
    • Ha, yes. It might be worth drawing some shitty mspaint piers on the West side, with some sort of artificial protective barrier (whatever would make sense with Move Earth and its ilk)--it doesn't make much sense to have them South of that wall, but it also would be some really shitty exposure to the Heretic Sea if it was just glommed onto the West side, there. -Slitherrr
      • I guess the main problem with that is that all the buildings on that side look really residential, but honestly, that's kind of a problem on the whole map--all that greenery and the size of the buildings makes the whole damn place look like a suburb, to me. -Slitherrr