Talk:Ethereal Chest

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Revision as of 23:09, 17 February 2011 by Slitherrr (Talk | contribs)

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Well shit, you should have mentioned it before I totaled up the coins. ::sigh:: Let me pull those out, then.
Does that include the subchest with the copper? Honestly, it's all ours by right of his extraction team being douchebags, but his twisted honor should at least let us take a chest that he obviously never owned.


Well, I assume it went without saying, actually. You guys rushed out of the fortress with the body, who was going to get the chest?
I suppose this is the danger of not clearly demarcating what is being done with an obviously not portable piece of equipment.
We could only rush out so quickly, we would have had to go back to the room and pack our stuff back up. Also, we have a horse--there isn't much that's non-portable, even a chest full of 234 lbs of coins. -Slitherrr
I re-read your sentence and the part "with the body". Yeah, we rushed out at that point, but remember that Kib had removed his equipment to deal with doing mining stuff (explicitly mentioned). Pegg's words, if I recall correctly, were along the lines of "gather your stuff and go," not "leave now", and even if they were the latter, Kib would never have a reason to leave his weapons and armor there without it being explicitly said that Pegg was forcing them to. And if he's gathering that, grabbing the chest to go on Tenpence's back isn't much more effort, especially since Anise's body wasn't going anywhere.-Slitherrr