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Character Stats
Orcky russ.jpg
Level 2
Race Half-Orc
Class Chirurgeon 2
Armor Hide Shirt
Weapon(s) Spear
Hometown Prycedown, Celestia

Russ has the appearance of a very large (a few inches shy of seven feet) Celestian half-orc, with rough features that seem almost hewn from raw jade. He complements this with loose-fitting Celestian garb that covers as much of his body as he can manage. The bulky clothing attempts to hide a large, stubby tail. If he could be convinced to say anything at all about it, he would mutter something about alchemical experiments and change the subject.

He has worked for some time in the Prycedown area, although his precise location moves with his work. He generally contracts as a bodyguard, sailor, or hunter, and specializes in wilderness knowledge and the healing arts. He keeps to himself, and rarely speaks, but the few words he does say are heavily accented, and seem almost absurdly provincial. Where he came from, nobody seems to know. He never spends too long with any one crew, and nobody can really call themselves his friend.

As a swimmer, he has no equal, making him a particularly useful asset in aquatic environments. In his leisure time, he is usually seen either in the water, or sitting in the sun, enjoying the feel of it on his skin.

His default reaction in social interactions is guarded hostility. He tends to strike quickly when he feels danger might be imminent to try to catch his foes off-guard, and leave the hard questions for after the dust clears. When he reacts negatively to a social confrontation, he almost inevitably becomes violent, and the following melee is usually punctuated with loud assertions of his deadly ferocity. In the world he's found himself in for the last few years, this is what passes for "common sense".

Has been described (along with Mad Gokar) as "intense".

*SPOILERS BE HERE* Russ's Character Sheet