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Revision as of 16:46, 15 December 2009 by Slitherrr (Talk | contribs)

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FYI: This is the most heavily linked, undefined page --Msallen 12:51, 15 December 2009 (EST)

Bastards! Their conspiracy against information extends even to the wiki! -Slitherrr
Fixt --Msallen 13:27, 15 December 2009 (EST)
Fix't your fix'n. Reads like hell, but at least it's close to useful now. Good thing we don't have any Elven PCs, or I bet they'd get pissed off when I point this out to them. -gm
If we had any damn dirty elves in our party I'd stab 'em in their nasty little faces. Let em get upset about that. --Msallen 15:10, 15 December 2009 (EST)

So, is the Mainland in the Southern hemisphere? I had assumed that the dotted line on the main map was the equivalent of the Arctic circle, but I suppose it's actually the Equator? -Slitherrr

As a side note, I suppose this would make Odessa potentially very Mediterranean in climate, which means it's quite a fortunate coincidence that Kib has olive skin. -Slitherrr
Side-side note, I should note Kib's description in his profile. -Slitherrr