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Revision as of 17:31, 15 December 2009 by Slitherrr (Talk | contribs)

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FYI: This is the most heavily linked, undefined page --Msallen 12:51, 15 December 2009 (EST)

Bastards! Their conspiracy against information extends even to the wiki! -Slitherrr
Fixt --Msallen 13:27, 15 December 2009 (EST)
Fix't your fix'n. Reads like hell, but at least it's close to useful now. Good thing we don't have any Elven PCs, or I bet they'd get pissed off when I point this out to them. -gm
If we had any damn dirty elves in our party I'd stab 'em in their nasty little faces. Let em get upset about that. --Msallen 15:10, 15 December 2009 (EST)

So, is the Mainland in the Southern hemisphere? I had assumed that the dotted line on the main map was the equivalent of the Arctic circle, but I suppose it's actually the Equator? -Slitherrr

As a side note, I suppose this would make Odessa potentially very Mediterranean in climate, which means it's quite a fortunate coincidence that Kib has olive skin. -Slitherrr
Side-side note, I should note Kib's description in his profile. -Slitherrr
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. --Msallen 16:03, 15 December 2009 (EST)

Is there no desire on the Mainland to conquer the Sidhe, and force them to open up? If not, is it because they're just that good at politics, or something else? Despite their lack of contact, do they keep any ambassadors around in the bigger countries to influence opinion? -Slitherrr