Talk:Other Continents

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Revision as of 22:29, 23 November 2010 by Slitherrr (Talk | contribs)

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I remember somewhere it being mentioned that North of Sidhe-Praxen is essentially an ocean that is eternally stormy, but is there any other sort of intercontinental contact, perhaps to the East and West? I was thinking about starting to flesh things out in that direction, because it would be easy for me to insert little economics/interaction things without disrupting large parts of canon. -Slitherrr

No, there is not. Some sages argue there ARE no other landmasses, and that when - for example - the Lost showed up, they came from some other plane or dimension, even though the Canon talks about their ships. -gm
In truth, though, whatever is to the east and west - if anything - has an ocean of separation. And, since the equatorial storm systems prevent crossing the equator, it's pretty much impossible to make a return voyage with no westerlies or whatever. -gm
Or the sudden invention of STEAM ENGINES. Or Greater Teleport.-Slitherrr 21:29, 23 November 2010 (EST)