Forgewelle Episcopacy

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Established by Hedran Riqtelo in 101 FI, the Forgewelles are a Manifest Episcopacy of the Alexandrian Church dedicated to service through itinerant labor, craftwork in particular. Their greatest contribution has been maintaining the roadways of the mainland, which they also functionally patrol as they move from place to place. Not only are they the first manifest episcopacy, they have been the wealthiest since Thoq Riqtello laid down the Edict of Tolls in 570 FI.

They are a separate institutional body from the Travelers, who are a Holy Militant, although the two work closely together. The Edict of Tolls outlines the specific distinctions and responsibilities of the two groups.

While not entirely made up of dwarves, they make up the majority of the order. Additionally, according to tradition, the Forgewelle Warden is always dwarven and always female. On several historical occasions, the Forgewelle Warden has been the only female member of the Arch-Warden's Stand.