Talk:Riddermark Family

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Revision as of 18:59, 17 February 2011 by (Talk)

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Where do you get this kind of lore info? Do you create it? Nice stuff. -Mattie
Made it up. Read about swamps on wikipedia for a while, then pulled it out of my ass. Matt is very tolerant of me and my work here. --Msallen
I am tolerant of quite a bit on here of background, off camera things. It never hurts to BS with be first. As I remember, we talked a bit before you lose on the families. -gm
And, I think I already had the families in place?

Here is my process:

  • Think about something I want to write about
  • Read about some releated stuff on this wiki and on the internet
  • Think about if for a week or two more while I shower, poop, fall asleep, commute, etc
  • Call Jones and ramble about it for a while
  • Write some stuff


FWiW, most of the fertilizer for the city comes from the nightsoil recycling centers around the city. A couple are now gone after the fire, but there's an even greater number of people no longer pooping in the city, so there's actually still not enough poop to fill current reduced capacity. --==* -gm

That is gross and unhealthy. Hopefully Wydmoor has some shitomancers to treat it to minimize the amount of worms, parasites, and disease in the city. In any case, peat isn't a fertilizer, its a moisture stabilizer. When its ground up and mixed with soil, it has the property that it retains moisture effectively, but also wicks excess moisture and prevents drowning. --
Gross and unhealthy? Well, it's gross, but not necessarily unhealthy. There *is* magic involved, but there needn't be to make it work. Chinese agriculture depended on nightsoil from before christ through the 20th century. -gm

In fact, I would be happy to assign people certain families and clients if they are into that sort of thing. -gm

This offer only applies to anyone who has read at least read Dune or one of the Martin novels.