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{{statsbox|kimika1.jpg|5|Halfling|Cleric|Mithril Chain Shirt|Darkwood Shortbow, Dire Mithril Flail|Wydmoor}}
{{statsbox|kimika1.jpg|5|Halfling|Cleric|Mithril Chain Shirt|Darkwood Shortbow, Dire Mithril Flail|Wydmoor}}

Kimika d'Earling is a halfling cleric.  She is 3'6", 60 lbs, and 23 years old.  Her birthday is 7-1 Heavenfall 1378 FI. She has blonde hair that she prefers to wear in pigtails when travelling, though recently she has worn it down in soft waves around her face. She has medium blue eyes and light olive skin. She also wears around her neck a silver, star-shaped, holy relic of Alexandria that was given to her by [[Bethanaly]]. She was previously known to Edrell as Danielle Tomas.  She is currently in a relationship with Bethnalay's son, Maggr, and hopes to become betrothed to him when they return to the Landing.
Kimika d'Earling is a halfling cleric.  She is 3'6", 60 lbs, and 23 years old.  Her birthday is 7-1 Heavenfall 1378 FI. She has blonde hair that she prefers to wear in pigtails when travelling, though recently she has worn it down in soft waves around her face. She has medium blue eyes and light olive skin. She also wears around her neck a silver, star-shaped, holy relic of Alexandria that was given to her by [[Bethanalay]]. She was previously known to Edrell as Danielle Tomas.  She is currently in a relationship with Bethnalay's son, Maggr, and hopes to become betrothed to him when they return to the Landing.

Revision as of 00:46, 12 January 2010

Character Stats
Level 5
Race Halfling
Class Cleric
Armor Mithril Chain Shirt
Weapon(s) Darkwood Shortbow, Dire Mithril Flail
Hometown Wydmoor

Kimika d'Earling is a halfling cleric. She is 3'6", 60 lbs, and 23 years old. Her birthday is 7-1 Heavenfall 1378 FI. She has blonde hair that she prefers to wear in pigtails when travelling, though recently she has worn it down in soft waves around her face. She has medium blue eyes and light olive skin. She also wears around her neck a silver, star-shaped, holy relic of Alexandria that was given to her by Bethanalay. She was previously known to Edrell as Danielle Tomas. She is currently in a relationship with Bethnalay's son, Maggr, and hopes to become betrothed to him when they return to the Landing.


Kimika may have joined the party when she was 22, but she had already begun a life of adventure previously.

Early Years

Kimika is the third-youngest of 18 (known) children. Her father and mother are a part of the larger Proudfoot clan which travels quarterly around Odessa. Her father is a shepherd whose parentage is unknown, and was welcomed into the Proudfoot clan as one of their own. However, as he was not a blood relation, he was simply given the name of Tomas. He met Angeline d'Earling, a halfling from a large riverboating clan, and the two were married. As is Odessan halfling tradition, Angeline joined Tomas' clan but Tomas took Angeline's last name. A few months after they were married, they welcomed a son into the world and continued to grow their large clan.

Kimika's siblings (that she knows of) are as follows: (in birth order)

Kimika with some of her siblings & parents.
  • Falan
  • Celee
  • Madiera
  • Antioch
  • Valencia
  • Simman
  • Astaresk
  • Axeclamaeshin
  • Amphersannd
  • Powndsighend
  • Persentaje
  • Carrot
  • Dollersine
  • Hifen
  • Skrol
  • Kimika
  • Brooke
  • Amana

This may be an incomplete list as Kimika's mother may have had more children after Kimika left home. She has not spoken to her family in 8 years.

When Kim was 8, there was a small stampede while the clan was travelling due to some of the more rowdy children startling the animals. Kimika was nearly trampled and, because of this, has a strong dislike of large crowds due to fear of being trampled. It was also then that Kimika, already disheartened and disappointed with being virtually ignored due to her large family, decided to leave when she was able. She also grew disdainful of the halfling lifestyle.

Teen Years

When Kimika was 14, some priestesses visited the clan to evangelize to them. They spoke of theological training and Kimika, desperate to leave home, convinced her family to let her join them. The priestesses trained her and eventually returned to Wydmoore with her. She had just turned 15 and was assigned to the small church in the slums. She has worked under that priest ever since. She avoided most other halflings and for the most part ministered to travellers of various other races. She tends to get along easily with humans and frequents areas where they are as opposed to halfling communities.

Kimika beginning her duties in Wydmoor

When Kimika was 17, she asked leave to travel and evangelize. She was given leave and began to travel around Odessa. While traveling the summer of her 19th year, she was called back to Wydmoor and assigned to a church in the Warrens, as well as document management in the Hall of Records.

Adventures Before Meeting The Party

While in a town, an injured man into the inn where she was staying. He was gravely injured. She healed him and he claimed a man had attacked his family's ranch and he feared for his pregnant sister. Together with a ranger who overheard the story, and the dwarven son of the innkeeper they decided to seek this man and save the woman. The town drunk, unfortunately, also joined them as they left town.

They went to the ranch to find the man gone and the woman scared but unharmed. She said he had taken all their silver heirlooms and went to another town. The injured man insisted on staying with his sister and the party journeyed to the other town after tending to the man and fixing up their home.

When they arrived, the town seemed deserted. The shops were boarded up as was the inn. They camped outside the town only to discover orcs entered the town at night. They made a racket, banged on doors, and finding everyone boarded up inside took their leave after breaking into a pub and stealing alcohol. The ranger followed them while Kimika attempted to contact a member of the town. She finally was able to get a widow to open her door, and she explained to Kim that a man who said he was a sorcerer burst into town with a group of orcs and took over the abandoned keep north of town. However, the last few nights the orcs have been coming into the town at night and ransacking anything they could enter- which is why everything has been shut for the moment. She also said that those who have gone into the forest north of town have heard human screams coming from the keep and they are afraid the sorcerer may be torturing people though no one in their town has gone missing.

The party launched into the tower only to find the sorcerer had been imprisoned and tortured by the orcs he attempted to subjugate. The party dispersed of the orcs, rescued the sorcerer, and turned him over to the local authorities. This adventure also gave the town drunk a chance to sober up where it was revealed he was actually a capable and powerful fighter. He returned to his former glory and the party went their separate ways, save for Kimika and the ranger named Ryan.

Kimika and Ryan traveled together for several seasons, helping others along the way and embarking on adventures. Their friendship had blossomed into love and they talked of a more permanent arrangement. However, when the church sent Kimika an order to return to Wydmoor and continue to her training and service in the chapel in the Warrens, Ryan chose not to go- insisting the road was his path. Stunned and heartbroken, Kimika went to her assignment in Wydmoor where she mentored under the priest of the Warrens, the human Father Yidrich. She ministered to the poor there, and worked in the Hall of Records until the Wydmoor Fire of 1400 and following political paralysis, an event which left her mentor dead and the Hall of Records all but shut down for the foreseeable future.

Adventures With The Party

Kimika originally joined the group under order of the local head of her church. However, she now stays with the party out of friendship and loyalty.

While in the halfling landing town and ministering to the refugees from Wydmoor, Kimika began a relationship with Maggr, the town leader's (Bethanaly) son, who is trying (with some bemusement) to teach her to ride a dog. ("Which you should have learned as a little girl!" -Maggr)

The Swamp & the Silver

Kimika was instructed by the Hadriarch to go to the inn and volunteer for a group of adventurers that were being summoned by Capt Edrell Odenthorpe. She joined under an assumed name, wearing street clothes, and offering her services as a healer. She was taken on, despite the fact Edrell almost certainly saw through the disguise, as both he and she worked in the Warrens and closely with its population. The party traveled through the swamp, seeking to plunder an ancient temple on Edrell's behalf, and it was here that friendship began to blossom. Kimika revealed to them her true name and explained to the party that, because of local tensions, Edrell may not have chosen her if he knew she was a priestess.

The party traveled through the swamp, met the Lizard folk, and soon arrived at the ruins of a destroyed city. They managed to survive and bring back a small fortune in silver. As they left the swamp, they a small, silver raven flew to them and asked them to give a location for a meeting. The party gave a location, and waiting to see who showed up. When a contingent of Bog Wraiths, led by Ralth Onorodil showed up, the party snuck off, made their way into the city through the back gate, and returned to Edrell with the silver.

After going into town, Kimika was summoned by the Hadriarch. Threatened with defrocking and naive to the Hadriarch's goals at this time, she told the Hadriarch of what happened- though in as little detail as possible. Using this information, the Hadriarch sent his own team to the temple, led by the Half-Orc HISNAMEHERE, which was captured and detained by the lizard folk at Al's request. After returning to the party, she felt terribly guilty that she may have betrayed the party and admitted all that had happened to one of her closest friends and fellow party member Al.

Kathhallan Investigation

See above article for more information.

Wicked Rain & River Trolls