Ralth Onorodil

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Ralth Onorodil was the previous Lord General of the Bog Wraiths. He was a capable swordsman in middle years, and was known to specialize in two-weapon fighting. As Lord General, he was somewhat aloof from Wydmoor politics - abstaining from most policy discussions and instead throwing himself into updating Wydmoor's defensive plans and structures.

Little is known about Onorodil's life before joining the Bog Wraiths, though his accent indicates he is probably from southern Fresia. He joined the Bog Wraiths at an unusually early age and rose in the establishment quickly through a mixture of competence, martial skill, recklessness, and good fortune.

Before assuming the position of Lord General, Onorodil spent over a decade as one of the three Triumvrial Sentinels, where he was responsible for Arch-Warden Ardrell Mathrew's contingent of Bog Wraiths. He stepped down from that position for unknown reasons after Mathrew's death and became the master-at-arms for Castle Wydmoor until declared successor by the retiring Lord General Naprid Daithe, who still lives at Castle Wydmoor as one of Onorodil's chief advisors.

As the Lord General of the Bog Wraiths, Onorodil was entitled to a personal standard, but it was never recorded from the game notes.

He was killed in the sacking of Wydmoor. His death followed by Naprid's retaking of the Lord General position is viewed as suspicious by the Affable Soldier.

Ralth Onorodil giving orders.

Personality Profile (From Germain's Notes)

  • Silverwalkers blew off Onorodil when he first attempted to meet with them.
  • He possessed a magical silver raven figurine he can use for long distance communication.
  • He was seen armed with both a pair short swords and a heavy repeating crossbow.
  • He revealed to the Silverwalkers that he grew up in Alexandria's City in the Temporal Authority
  • As a young man in the Wraiths, he learned to love coffee (a rarity, grown only in Elven Lands)