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Character Stats
Level Level 3
Race Human
Class Professional 2, Fighter 1
Armor Masterwork Studded Leather, Barbarian King's Buckler
Weapon(s) Sap (sometimes Longsword or Warhammer)
Hometown Unknown (Flannery or Fresia)

Germain is a recent citizen of Wydmoor who is quickly rising in stature and importance in Edrell's City Guard. (In fact, at present, he's one of the few guardsmen still clearly loyal to Edrell left in the city.) He is an attractive human in his early twenties, yet despite his youth he carries himself with a powerful presence. He demonstrates a commanding demeanor, and has shown himself to capable of controlling social situations through charm, subterfuge, and intimidation alike. His quick social skills are supported by an equally sharp attentiveness and awareness, as well as an impressive and broad knowledge of local, regional, and national information. Despite his average physique, he is a trained and tactically competent fighter who plays an effective supporting role in combat.

Germain's history before arriving in Wydmoor is relatively unknown. His apparent wealth, sharp and fashionable attire, and confident bearing strongly indicate a privileged upbringing, yet he is vague about his background. His speech, looks, and mannerisms show him to be of Flannarian or Fresian decent, but it is difficult to place him clearly in either region. When asked directly about his history, he reveals only that his family is powerful in a way that has made them both enemies and allies, and that it is not in his best interest to be associated with them. Whatever the truth of the situation, rumor has it that Germain was forced to flee his homeland after a scandal arose centered around a dog and a lack of cothing.

Germain's Contacts

SPOILER: Germain's Character Sheet

Wydmoor Investigations

Kathkallan Investigation


  • Germain wears a +kitten leather cloak+ of dwarven make, which helped save him during a harsh winter trek
  • Germain has a stylish earring that gives him +1 on all intelligence skill checks, and clicky that casts eagle's splendor once per day but removes the skill bonus