Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2012-08-10

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Characters involved:

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MerryToken.PNG Merry BookToken.PNG Book

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Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

 LockToken.PNG Lock  StockToken.PNG Stock  BarrelToken.PNG Barrel  

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 CarggerToken.jpg Cargger

From Last Game

See Arabelle Adventurers Quest Notes 2012-06-02

When we last left our intrepid adventurers, we had reached the top of the tower, which has 7 doors that lead almost nowhere. Door A goes downstairs, door B had a couple of earth elementals trapped in it, door C has a similar force cage as door B. Doors D and E go into the force “rooms” behind each one, respectively. We also released a supposedly good blonde lady who promised to return tomorrow with a gift, and we released 2 earth elementals - one of which we killed and one that ran away.

The party decides to head down to the magical room and have some smart people touch the desk to see if they can think of any brilliant ideas.

The party has explored the Wizard's tower and is discussing what to do next.


 CarggerToken.jpg Cargger asks if we have found any of the treasures in tower.

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says that his tummy is rumbling and therefore it must be 2:45pm.

Traipsing the Tower

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goes to sit at the desk. MerryToken.PNG Merry approaches the bookshelf and says, "Map of the tower."

                                     GAME ADJOURNED

Final GM Message

XP Awards

In Character

+ Number 
Experience Points


+ 15 
Experience Points