Naprid Daithe

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Naprid Daithe is the retired former leader of the Bog Wraiths. He declared Ralth Onorodil his successor upon his retirement. He now serves as an adviser to Ralth and lives at Castle Wydmoor. Before stepping down, Naprid served as the leader of the Bog Wraiths for 36 years, after assuming the position upon the untimely death of Sox Argyle. A clever and cautious man, Naprid maintained a low profile through his tenure, although he did order Wraiths into the city in response to the Pilgrim's Revolt of 1386 and the grain riots of 1390.

At the time the party meets him, Naprid is 72 years old and acts as a liaison for the Bog Wraiths, leaving Ralth relatively free to manage military, engineering, and defensive matters. His name and features indicate Flannari origins, and he acts with the dismissive arrogance stereotypical of the Flannari aristocracy. A tall, wiry man, Ralth seems healthy and spry for his age, no doubt on account of a life of military discipline and activity.

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Naprid Daithe

Personality Profile (From Germain's Notes)

See Edrell.

Party notes

  • Suspicion: He may have a magical cane (perhaps it can eavesdrop)
  • Mose and Naprid aren't best of friends because Naprid ordered Mose to meet with them in a polite but threatening manner. Naprid got mad at Mose as Mose got mad at Naprid's insistence. They seem to have somewhat gotten over this as the party works more with Naprid.
  • Naprid gave the party a communication magical device which can be used to contact him by placing it into a fire. It was stolen by Edrell during his raid on the bank.
  • The party notified Naprid of an army at Iros Forge.
  • The party notified Naprid of an assassination attempt on the Mayor and Edrell Odenthorpe (as reported to them by Edrell). Many city council members were killed.