Mattsters of the Mattiverse Session 28

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...last episode

  • Fenn is dusted, and the group reports back to the Geese.

Side Income

  • The group is approached by a tall, dark-haired man with a sarcastic streak. He introduces himself as Mat and offers them a job while the Geese prepare the next stage of taking back Wydmoor, with very lucrative terms: 5000 gp for each, and at-cost fabrication of a single magical item apiece.
  • They accept. He wastes no time and tells them to follow him.
  • A couple of (hours? miles?) into the middle of nowhere in the swamp, Mat gestures into air. A portal appears, not seeming to lead anywhere in particular. Russ goes through without a second thought, and the rest of the group make sit through as well.
  • Each party member ends up, solitary, in a comfortably appointed room. Its most prominent feature is a portrait of a middle aged man.
    • Long story short, they each end up having personal conversations with that man before being reunited with the group.
  • After the side conversations are finished, and having all accepted the loose terms of the job, the party meets up again outside of the room. The Man summons a feast, clearly just because he can. While they eat, he tells them more details:
    • They will all go to retrieve an item. They will never know what that item is, thanks to a magical compulsion placed upon them. It is guarded by a monstrous basilisk.
      • (ED/DM: They will know what it is, they just will not be able to take it, approach it, or interact with it. Literally the entire rest of the dungeon is their playground. Also, it's fucking nasty - I haven't changed it. Pathfinder scaling means that CR 12 encounters that are flavor for a CR 14 group are pretty hardcore for a CR 9 group.)
    • A previous group was originally sent to retrieve it, but failed some arcana checks and chickened out.
    • They chitchat a bit about basilisks, and strategize. Eventually they retire to the guest bedroom and sleep.
    • The next day, the Man opens up a portal, and dumps the party onto an island. There is a collapsed tower, some broken Ogre statues, and a few dead, petrified trees, but nothing of real interest.
    • The party finds the pre-excavated ruins and rushes through the first two levels upon discovering them to be empty of everything interesting except for a couple of decorative banners. There is evidence that once this facility housed enough folks to justify a ballroom, several bedrooms, and even multiple rooms full of glass display cases, now empty. The staircase down to the third level blocked by a wall of force. A previous group has already done excavations of the walls.

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    • Edi spends the next little bit using his remote viewing domain powers to scout out the level below. He manages to pinpoint the elephantine basilisk itself on the fourth try, and otherwise scout out some of the area. He learns the third floor is a long hallway - maybe 300 feet in length - that ends in a large marble room. Two giant braziers burn in remote corners, and another unseen source blankets the room in a dim, hot, red glow. Colossal bronze arch-shaped serpentine sculptures dominate the room.

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    • The party gets ready to buff up and dive in to get the job done.


  • 500 xp to each for conversations with a mysterious benefactor
  • 200 xp to Edi for sinking the GM's battleship
  • Masterwork Leather Lamellar Armor (210 gp) (actually from Rat-a-Cat-Rat)