Mefighter beta team fifth session notes

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  • At the outskirts of Krestendorf the group paused to loot Template:Gallus's corpse
  • Byll scouted into the town and declared that all was quiet, except for what appeared to be a fire burning in the church bell tower.
  • The group decided to investigate, and entered the town under the effects of Hide from Undead. Template:Seth the dog was given a Hide from Undead potion.
  • Several zombies were spotted on the way, including children.
  • Arriving at the main town square, the group approached the church. Thurmin VustorToken.PNG Thurmin Vustor identified that there was the smell of human flesh being cooked (who else but the Inquistor would know that smell?)
  • Template:Brunner climbed the bell tower, only to be met by a goblin with a frying pan at the top.
  • While FrimbleToken.PNG Frimble disarmed the traps on the door, the goblin in the bell tower dumped boiling water on them.
  • Upon attempting entry into the church, the group was attacked by goblin dogs. This attack caused the group to lose the effects of Hide from Undead.
  • The group managed to force entry and close the doors behind them, before the zombies could enter.
  • Template:Brunner, Template:Drem, and UhanimaraToken.PNG Uhanimara put the smackdown on the goblins in the church, while FrimbleToken.PNG Frimble cleared the bell tower.
  • Session ended with the group holed up in the church with zombies at the door.
  • 3 potions of cure disease were found in the church.

XP and Achievements

  • +25 to Frimble for each disarmed trap.
  • +250 for clearing the church.
  • +243 for the goblins and dogs.