Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2013-05-17
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Plans to Stop Odessa
Kaleesarynn has a sudden revelation - escape detection - will allow us to move about without an amulet of nondetection for
Kaleesarynn and without being as vulnerable to scrying.
Edrell makes no mention, but party assumes he is still working on making the amulet for
Kaleesarynn in the meantime.
- Quin asks for the Firetalk Charm back, to help in the defense of Wydmoor. Edrell instead suggests the Sojourner's Cap be given over, as well, so that Edrell can return them both to Germain who he claims to be working closely with.
- When reminded of the tremendous food creation properties of the hat, Quin agrees it should be returned to Wydmoor, but there is no way in hell he's turning the hat over to Edrell. He says he will give it back the next time they contact Wydmoor.
- After some brief preliminary planning, Silverwalkers decide that dealing with Kathkallan's bee swarm problem is a waste of their time. Quinalin suggests they give Kathkallan some cash to hire low level adventurers in Petara.
Edrell says he will give Kathkallen money so he’ll be able to deal with his bee problem with local resources rather than distract the Silverwalkers.
- The party tries to plan their next steps, asks Edrell for advice on how to stop the Odessan invasion of Sidhe-Praxen.
Edrell's suggestion is bold: Assassinate Hedrafax Kaine and the Prince Regent.
- Claims assassinating Kaine is the only means to end his quest to kill the Lady of the Mountain. Also, Kaine is the brains behind the Odessan throne: he is the "Alchemist of Odessa," after all.
- Party is confused by Edrell talking about a "Prince Regent" of Odessa.
- Politically, although generally speaking everyone calls him King Aiden, the fact is that Odessa is actually in an uneasy Regency under the Heir Presumptive. Although mad, Queen Eloise has not abdicated, so the Aiden is technically a Prince Regent.
- The Landed Nobility are already seriously frustrated with "King and Kaines," and
Edrell suggests regicide will trigger a civil war in Odessa, forcing the Odessans to abandon Wydmoor.
Mose doesn’t like the assassination idea, and doesn't seem to notice that Edrell's scheme is boils down to "Kill millions to save thousands." but recommends kidnapping and holding the King to force a negotiated end to the war. He later recommends doing the same with Kaine and turning him over to the church once we have evidence of his crimes and his quest for godhood.
- Edrell feigns surprise that Mose is unwilling to assassinate "anyone above the rank of Mayor."
- Kimika is also not a big fan of murder. Edrell mentions that he's surprised she wouldn't want to get revenge on the people who hanged Maggr and his outrider band.
- Kimi is inconsolable! She breaks down and Edrell comforts her. The party is surprised and touched by Edrell's affection for Maggr, even if the players behind the curtain and not quite so convinced. (50+ bluff result. Daniel: "I hate this guy." Me: "He's my favorite!")
- The party agrees to table research into LE's situation to deal with the escalating Odessa situation, though maybe not with murder.
- The party walks through a portal to Odessa... and into a land that is decidedly NOT Odessa. This place is a badlands with a deserted farmhouse.
- Very strange place. Petrified trees.
- South we see hills/mountains in the distance, all look barren. Sparse petrified tree that
Al has never seen before.
- All of the trees and all of the wood of the house are petrified.
- We walk up to the house, and have to bash open the door because it’s rusted shut.
Mose bashes the door down, and it breaks easily.
- Inside is an empty room with an actual stone fireplace. There are some rooms that are also empty.
- In the floor, there is a petrified wooden trap door. Mose smashes his foot through the door and injures himself. It is a grave of a child.
LE searches the fireplace, which collapses in on itself.
Quinalin finds 4 gold coins that are very worn down and have a cat head on one side.
Al says that the head is strangely anthropomorphic.
Kaleesarynn finds some grains that
Al doesn’t recognize (not even with a natural 20). He thinks that these would have grown in a much, much wetter climate than the one here.
Al did some reconnaissance as an air elemental and found out that we’re on one of a string of islands far to the West of Wydmoor.
- They spell indicates the party is on the same plane/planet is Wydmoor. The spell returns an impossibly large distance (tens of thousands of miles). Al doesn't believe the number, but thinks it indicates no reasonable possibility of overland or oversea travel to Wydmoor from where we are, and whatever the true distance is, it's certainly well beyond standard Teleport powers.
- There are no towns or settlements on this island. There might be villages or hamlets to small to notice from the air - or underground warrens - but the entire island shows sign of total ecological collapse.
- While waiting for Al to return, the party remembers Edrell's claim that Mat would be following them. They call for him, but he doesn't appear. Kaylee turns on her True Sight and LE starts pacing the area with the Lantern until he is found.
- Mat claims not to know where the party is or why they were put here. Planar portals do not have pinpoint accuracy, but Edrell had claimed to have the ability to land them "with a reasonable degree of accuracy."
Quinalin postulates this might not be a scheme, but perhaps the Dark Elves might have interfered with the teleportation and sent us here instead.
- When Al returns, the party decides to head toward the edge of the island, which is only ten or fifteen miles of march. Closer to the sea there is more greenery and signs of life, as well as other islands of the archipelago that might be more inviting.
- On the way, Al spies the first signs of life! An encampment of 17 ogres. The party decides to ambush them and attempt to take a few prisoner to interrogate.
- The party does a quick round of buffs, expecting to make short work of the CR 3 giants, and then Al leads off a surprise round with an air strike.
Game is called.
Battle Preparation
- Buffs cast: Bless (
Kimika), Schism (
Kaleesarynn), Blood Claws (for
Grrrllwofrowffgrr), Mage Armor (
LE), Divine Favor (
Al preparing Obsidian Flow, and that will start the battle - he’s flying above them as an air elemental