Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2013-03-16

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Quest Notes 3/16/2013

Last Game

  • Passports are ready. Party goes to pick them up. Thankfully the cap also has enough charges to get us there.
  • Through the use of the cap, Kathkallen’s mind, word of recall, and KimikaToken.PNG Kimika’s teleport, we manage to get everyone into the desert about two hours away from him farm.
  • Almost as soon as we get there, a sandstorm picks up, and the party has to find shelter fast! AlToken.PNG Al turns into a badger, and quickly digs a shelter underground, which is then walled up by a wall of thorns.
  • After about 10 hours underground (now about midnight), the sandstorm abates, and the party starts making their way to Kathkallen’s farm. On the way, we’re ambushed by invisible, blurred drow!
  • They’re using poisoned crossbow bolts that make you unconscious if the poison takes effect. KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn is taken out with one, but is quickly revived by KimikaToken.PNG Kimika’s quick thinking. KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn manifests True Seeing and tries to point out their locations as best as she can to the party.

Notes/reminders for next time:

  • AlToken.PNG Al needs to be not stupid and remember to cast faerie fire on the guys with blur
  • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn needs to continue manifesting maxed cold energy missiles. They’re still resistant to psionics, but not by as much
  • X and M at the top of the battle map are casting spells
  • They’re super-nimble and several of them have evasion or improved evasion.
  • They’re innately magic resistant and psionically resistant.
  • They use poison that makes people unconscious.
  • One of them (B) can Smite Good and has unholy weapons. Ow.
  • Picture of the battle and combat tracker:

New Game

  • In the middle of a battle with dark elf ambushers
    • They cast Acid Pit and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin falls in!
    • MoseToken.PNG Mose gets slowed!
    • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin climbs out!
    • Toward the end of the battle, when things are looking very bad for the dark elves, one of them teleports away. KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn recognizes her at the same one that had been scrying on her.
    • 1200 for 12th level of people
    • 2000 for 10th level
    • 250 extra bonus XP for battle strategy!
    • Items!
      • Tall elf
        • Heavy shield (magical)
        • Breast plate (magical)
        • Heavy mace magical
        • Amulet magical
        • Cloak magical
        • Boots magical
        • Ring magical
      • Wizard man
        • Spellbook!
        • Lt Crossbow (magical)
        • Boots (magical)
        • Bracers (magical)
        • Cloak (magical)
        • Ring (magical) -- simple metal bands with spiders
      • Antipaladin
        • 2-handed blade, very late, long (magical, elven, not evil)
        • Armor (magical, black leaves folded over one another and magically hardened)
        • Boots (magical)
        • Ring (magical)
      • Rogue (x2 -- all magical)
        • Dagger x2
        • Hand-crossbow x2
        • Empty vials x2
        • Shortsword x2
        • Chain shirts x2
        • Amulet x2
        • Ring x2
      • Fighter (x2 -- all magical)
        • 2-handed blade
        • Breastplate
        • Amulet
        • Boots
        • Ring
  • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn senses scrying!
  • After nondetection amulet and removal, the scrying comes back. She sees it’s  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell.
  • Dark elf corpses are pushed into the Earth to Mud spell as a crude burial / corpse stashing.
  •  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell history
    •  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell pretty much raised Marhargarin
    • Marhargarin thinks very kindly of  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell, trusts him absolutely
    • Marhargarin worked on a lot of missions like  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell did when she came “of age”
    • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn knew  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell as a distant uncle, but not close to him
    • Hedrifax Kaine was probably as close to a father as  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell ever had
  • We said out loud that we have run into dark elves, and KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn challenges  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell to help us
  • A portal appears
  • The party figures out while trying to deal with the portal, that the dark elf items are decaying in the moonlight. Any of the dark elf items that are put through the portal instantly turn to ash. Is this part of  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell’s design to the portal, or does it have more to do with an incompatibility between dark elf items and the ethreal plane? All of the dark elf equipment, except for the spellbook, are decaying and useless.
  • After an initial moment of panic, the party notices all of the Dark Elven gear is starting starting to gray, rust, and tarnish. Party throws a few more things at the portal, then abandons the dark elf gear to disintegrate.
  • After at least 10 minutes of deliberation on what to do, Mat appears,  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell’s familiar. He tells us that we should go through the portal to talk to  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell.
  • The party still does not agree to go through, and finally,  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell appears.
  • There is a brief, tense conversation about betrayal and trust.
  • Moments later, both  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell and KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn begin to feel someone scrying, and both decide to walk through the portal to escape it. Eventually, and with much trepidation, the rest of the party follows. LEToken.PNG LE and MoseToken.PNG Mose are the last to step through.
  • On the other side of the portal is a nice garden with a cobblestone floor between two ornate wooden doorways. There are statues of  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell, two of which are emitting a silence spell in the room. The two emitting the spell are of him as an archmage. There are four others in the corners of the room, depicting him in various rougeish poses.
  • We step through the only unlocked door in this room, to find ourselves in the hallway of  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell’s house. KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn stupidly picks up a piece of paper on the floor without looking at it first, and realizes that there’s an arrow on it that would have pointed the party in the right direction. Thankfully, AlToken.PNG Al’s acute hearing at each door tells us which room  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell is in.
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose finds a room with a roomba automated broom
  • We meet  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell in a room with a fireplace. Kathkallen, still tagging along, sits out in the foyer while the rest of the party talks to  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell.
  •  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell talks... and talks, and talks...
    •  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell says he’s carving this little plane out himself, it’s his home.
    • Assumption is that the dark elves are hunting anyone who is half-elven because elves in general are bloodline obsessed and think half-elves are an abomination. Not sure why dark elves would care about the purity of non-dark elves, but it seems the best explanation so far. Why Dark Elves even still exist is also not answered by this question.
    • Marhargarin is protected by an amulet of non-detection that  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell gave her, and  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell is protected from detection by his little home in the deep ethreal plane. Also, because he’s ridiculously powerful. He says he will make KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn an amulet like Mar’s she would like, but it will take 40 days of work to complete. What the party would do in the meantime - and what, if anything, he'd expect in return is part of bridge discussion.
    •  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell also talked about his, KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn’s, and Mar’s mother. She was being used as an exhibit of a carnival called The Dark Carnival. She told  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell that dark shadows attacked the carnival, but The Hand - ever paranoid of ambush and quite capable themselves - fended off the attack and they - presumably, the dark elves - never came back to try again.
    • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn tells  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell about how Marhargarin offered her the amulet of non-detection, and the party gets to witness a rare moment of  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell completely losing his cool. He clearly cares about Mar, and wants to see her safe. KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn explains that Mar did take the amulet off for a few seconds, but that no one scryed on them in that time.  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell seems to be relieved, but a little worried still. This moment confirms for KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn that he is sincere about wanting to keep her and Mar safe, even if nothing else he says is true.
    • We learn that the Odessans are building a fleet, and  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell believes it’s because they plan to invade Sidhe-Praxen, the homeland of the elves. Edrell claims Hedrifax Kaine wants to kill the Lady of the Mountain and become a god.
    • AlToken.PNG Al is upset that they’re killing a lot of trees to do this, and he’s very skeptical that the Odessan’s plan could succeed. He is supremely confident that any external attack against Sidhe-Praxen is impossible.
    • The party now faces a dilemma. Will we stay here for 40 days while  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell makes an amulet for KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn, leaving Odessa unhindered in their plans? Will KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn stay, while the rest of the party deals with Odessa? Will we all leave together to deal with Odessa, and if so, will LEToken.PNG LE agree to let KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn wear the amulet, and we take our chances with LEToken.PNG LE’s hunters finding us, or will LEToken.PNG LE wear her amulet, and we risk being exposed to dark elf attack? Is there another option?
    • AlToken.PNG Al absolutely will not stay here unless physically forced to.