Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2013-12-14
Last Game
- The party fought some Slaad and prevailed.
Kaleesarynn does a Knowledge: The Planes and finds out that the frogmen are called Slaad, and they are from beyond the veil. Some inject you with an egg that bursts out to become a baby Slaad.
Kaleesarynn sends her psicyrstal down the pit. There is a cavernous underground stream, where the Slaad have made a rudimentary camp.
Al (as a medium air elemental) flies down to investigate further and brings back up 3 stones. One is dull and grey (will circle your head and can be target of light, etc), one is a vibrant purple prism , cracked (stores one spell level, as a ring of spell storing, minor), and one is pink and green with a subtle flaw within (+2 to Cha, -2 to Con).
Al investigates further down the underground stream. It goes deeper into the earth than he’s comfortable going by himself.
- The party decides to rest for the night in the room with the scrying pool.
The Stoned Man
- We unstoned him, using our sole Stone Salve. He was terrified and began trying to crawl away. Quin grappled him and Kaylee wasted a bunch of PSP trying to communicate telepathically with him before finally breaking through. He was still too panicked to be rational, so Kaylee tried a Psi charm which failed, but then LE hit him with a 12 hour charm and he became our butt-monkey.
He babbled a lot about his master bringing an Outsider here to try to master it but it quickly overpowered and turned the master into some hideous creature as well as killing all the other apprentices. This guy fled and put up this barrier but was so stupid he took one last look back and got stoned.
We asked him about the materials we found in the chest and he described the fashioning and operation of the hot air balloon.
Other stuff down there: Torture chamber Armory Serpentarium room Crypt Bone Naga that had been resurrected.
While this knowledge sharing was going on, Quin asked Mat (the bird) if he would mind going up and asking Mr. Blue if the hot air balloon was what he was looking for to get out of here.
His master looks like a giant basilisk. Party votes not to go in, but maybe send a psicrystal in. Wizard says the wall are lined with lead to prevent outsiders from teleporting through walls.
Boss Basilisk Rooms
- Psicrystal goes down to obsidian glass floors.
- We decide not to go down there
- We vote to take Blue with us in the Balloon, as well as Whiz Ard
Roc Battle
- Fought 2 Rocs, killed one, dominated the other
Dude in Middle of Ocean
- We give him a longspear +1
- He’s a fisherman from a local set of islands.
- Al fills him with inspiration, because he’s stunned by the presence of the balloon, roc, and air elemental.
New islands
We find lots of high mountain islands. Moving into an area with lots of small, cold, wetland islands where the antarctic fishermen live. Jumps to a very high altitude quickly, coastline is hilly and rocky, not much settlement that we can see. Some small villages along the cost, but very rocky shoals and hazardous. On the edge of Al’s sight, you see sharp mountains.
We see all kinds of debris along the shoreline.
We land, Blue tells us if we go west along the southern coast, you’ll reach the centaur steppes. Centaurs eat humanoids and war with horsemen. In centaur steppes, there is The City On a Monster, “the God Mountain” tamed by the people. The Awakened live there. “When the dynastic wheel was finally shattered and the people awakened.” If you go north along the coast, you will slowly reach warmer climes, but this winter there won’t be much warmth. Eventually you’ll come to the ricelands and the fertile valley. Mountains have mad men in them we don’t want to tangle with.
Al takes careful note of where we are so he might be able to get us back to that island if we ever want to.