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<b>Wilder (Blasting) [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/wilder/archetypes/dreamscarred-press/blasting-wilder] 2</b>
Wild Gnome
|Strength || 8  (-1)
|Dexterity || 14 (+2)
|Constitution || 12 (+1)
|Intelligence || 12 (+1)
|Wisdom || 8 (-1)
|Charisma || 20 (+5)
==Secondary Attributes==
|Hit Points || 17 = 8 Wilder HD + (1 x 7 Wilder HD) + (2 x 1 Constitution) 
|Armor Class || 17 (+4 MW Studded Leather, +2 Dexterity, +1 Size)
|Combat Maneuver Defense || 11 (9 Fl) (10 +1 BaB +2 Dexterity, -1 Str, -1 Size)
|Combat Maneuver Bonus || -1 (+1 BaB -1 Str -1 Size)
|Base Attack Bonus || +1
|Base Speed || 20 Feet
|Concentration Check || +7 (2 Manifester Level +5 Chr)
|Fort Save || +1 (+0 Base +1 Con)
|Reflex || +2 (+0 Base, +2 Dex)
|Will Save || +8 (+3 Base, +5 Chr)
*Favored Class: Talents x2
*Low-Light Vision
*Weapon Familiarity (Gnome)
*Illusion Resistance
**+2 Save vs Illusion
*Keen Senses
**+2 Perception Checks
**+2 to survival checks, and survival is always a class skill for you. Replaces Obsessive
**Pass Without Trace 2/day. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the gnome's Charisma modifier. This replaces Gnome Magic.
*Eternal Hope
**Replaces Defensive Training & Hatred
**Gnomes rarely lose hope and are always confident that even hopeless situations will work out.
**Gnomes with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects.
**Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome may reroll and use the second result.
===Weapon & Armor===
*Weapon Proficiency: Simple
*Armor: Light
===Bonus & Purchased===
*Flaw: ??????
*Bonus (Flaw): Forceful Personality
*1st: Extended Blast
*Bonus (Free Surge Bond): Psionic Talent
*Bonus (B-Wilder 2): Modified Blast [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/modified-blast-psionic]
===Class Abilities===
*Surge Blast
**A wilder can channel her wild surge into a blast of uncontrolled phrenic energy. As a standard action and by expending psionic focus, the wilder can make a ranged touch attack (range <strike>30’</strike>  60') that deals 1d6 points of force damage for every +1 to her wild surge. (Currently 1d6 Force Damage)
*Wild Surge +1
**(Blaster Kit) A blasting wilder uses her wild surge not to improve her psionic powers, but to enhance her surge blast ability. Any time the blasting wilder invokes a wild surge, she gains no increase to her manifester level, but adds one die of damage to her surge blast for each point of the wild surge and can expend her psionic focus to use her surge blast as a free action in the same round she used her wild surge, although she may only do this once per round, even if wild surging more than once per round. This ability functions in all other ways as Wild Surge, including the risk of psychic enervation, and is modified by the wilder's surge choice as normal. Wild surges that do not increase the manifester level, such as Efficient Surge, cannot be used with this archetype.
**Confusing: My understanding is it means when you are using a psionic power (spell) you can chose to do a wild surge. You get to do a double strength Surge Blast (above) as a free action in addition to manifesting (casting) the power. Doing this costs your psionic focus and risks psychic enervation (below).
*Surge Bond (Free Surge)
*Psychic Enervation (Free Bond)
**Wild Surge and Psychic Enervation: (15% Chance per Surge) The free wilder rides every emotion, taking them to heights unbelievable by others and finding her power in the moment of each encounter. Regardless of the emotion, embracing them to such a degree can sometimes be draining and cause her to be lost inside the experience. A free wilder overcome by psychic enervation is dazed until the end of her next turn and loses a number of power points equal to her normal manifester level (the increase in manifester level from her wild surge does not increase the number of power points lost).
*Autohypnosis: 1 Rank
*Climb: 1 Rank
*Survival: 1 Rank
*Perception: 1 Rank
*Psicraft: 1 Rank
*Swim: 1 Rank
PSPs: 13 (6 Base +5 Bonus +2 Psionic Talent)
Manifester Limit: 2 PSP/Round
Base Cost: <i>Expend Focus</i> or 1 PSP
<i>DC 15</i>
*Detect Psionics
*Telepathic Lash
===<b>Powers: 1st</b>===
Base Cost: 1 PSP
<i>DC 16</i>
*Energy Ray
[[Category:PC Character Sheets]]

Latest revision as of 15:59, 29 May 2014