Talk:NoName the Third

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Rogue 1/Fighter 1

Character Stats
Level 2
Race Road Halfling
Class Rogue 1/Fighter 1
Armor Masterwork Studded Leather; Lance; Short Sword; 3x Throwing Hammer
Weapon(s) Somewhere
Hometown {{{7}}}



Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 10 (+0)


Hit Points    19    6 + 2 + 9 + 2
Armor Class 19 +4 dex bonus, +1 Size Bonus, +3 Armor Bonus, +1 Shield Bonus
Base Attack Bonus +1
Initiative +4
Base Speed 20 ft. (40 ft. when Mounted)
Fort Save +5 +2 Fighter Base, +2 Attribute, +1 Halfling
Reflex +7 +2 Fighter Base, +4 Attribute, +1 Halfling
Will Save +1 +1 Halfling

Feats and Abilities

Feat XP Spent: ---

Purchased Feats

  • Level 1: Mounted Combat
  • Fighter 1: Weapon Finesse

Class Feats

  • Proficiency (Weapon): Martian
  • Proficiency (Armor): Light, Medium, Heavy
  • Shield Prof.
  • Sneak Attack +1d6
  • Trapfinding (>DC 20)

Race Abilities

  • Small Size: +1 to AC, +1 to Attack Rolls, +4 to Hide Checks. (Size Penalties)
  • +2 to Diplomacy
  • +1 to Saves; +2 morale bonus vs Fear
  • +1 with thrown weapons and slings


  • Ubrekti (B)
  • Dwarven (I)
  • Gnomish (I)

B=birth language I=intel point language S=skill point language


  • Diplomacy : 2 Ranks (+4 or +6?)
  • Balance : 2 Ranks (+5)
  • Bluff : 5 Ranks (+5)
  • Disable Device : 3 Ranks (+5)
  • Escape Artist : 2 Ranks (+5)
  • Hide : 3 Ranks (+10)
  • Listen : 2 Ranks (+5)
  • Move Silently : 5 Ranks (+10)
  • Open Lock : 5 Ranks (+9)
  • Ride : 1 Ranks (+5)
  • Handle Animal : 3 Ranks (+3)
  • Search : 3 Ranks (+5)
  • Slight of Hand : 5 Ranks (+10)
  • Spot : 2 Ranks (+2)

Standard 'Quip

  • Masterwork Studded Leather
  • Masterwork Light Wood Shield
  • Lance (1d6 Damage; +2 to Hit - +1 Size, +1 BaB); Increased Charge Damage
  • Throwing Axe (1d4 Damage; +7 to Hit - +1 Size, +1 BaB, +4 Attribute, +1 Thrown)
  • Short Sword (1d4 Damage; +6 to Hit - +1 Size, +1 BaB, +4 Attribute)

Cool Items


  • 2x Cure Light Wound
  • 1x Magic Fang


??, Halfling Riding Dog

  • Str: 16, Dex: 15, Con: 15, Int: 2, Wis: 12, Cha: 6
  • HP: 13
  • Feats: Endurance, Alertness, Armor Prof (All Barding)
  • Skills: 2 Ranks Listen (+5), 2 Ranks Spot (+5), 1 Ranks Swim (+1)
  • Saves: +5 Fort, +5 Reflex, +1 Will
  • Bite Attack: 1d6+3 Damage, +4 to Hit
  • Combat Riding Trick Set (6): attack, come, defend, down, guard, and heel