Edi's Character Sheet

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Player    MSAllen
Name    Edi
Classes/Levels    Priest 2
Race    Halfling
Alignment    Chaotic Good
Origin     ?
Residence     ?



Strength    8 (-1)
Dexterity    15 (+2) [+2 halfling]
Constitution    12 (+1)
Intelligence    12 (+1)
Wisdom    16 (+3)
Charisma    15 (+2) [+2 halfling]


Hit Points    12    7 + 5
Armor Class 17 +4 mithril shirt, +2 dex, +1 halfling
Melee Attack Bonus +1 +1 priest 2, -1 str, +1 halfling
Ranged Attack Bonus +4 +1 priest 2, +2 dex, +1 halfling
Initiative +2 +2 dex
Base Speed 20 ft. light armor
Fort Save +6 +3 priest 2, +1 con bonus, +1 halfling, +1 cloak
Reflex Save +5 +0 priest 2, +2 dex bonus, +1 deft dodger, +1 halfling, +1 cloak
Will Save +8 +3 priest 2, +3 wis bonus, +1 halfling, +1 cloak
Will Save (Fear) +10 +3 priest 2, +3 wis bonus, +3 halfling

Feats and Abilities

Ability    Source    Description
aura priest 1 detects as good
bit of luck priest 1 a creature you touch can roll 2 dice and take the best for any d20 check 6/day
channel energy priest 1 30-foot radius blast of positive energy heals living or harms undead for 1d8 damage (DC 13) 5/day
deft dodger level 1 +1 to reflex saves
fire bolt priest 1 30 ft. ranged touch attack +4 to do 1d6+1 fire damage 6/day
helpful (halfling) level 1 +4 to aid another
lore priest 1 +1 to all knowledge skills
lore keeper priest 1 touch attack to learn about enemy as if rolled 20 on appropriate knowledge check
lucky halfling level 1 make a save for an ally 1/day
spontaneous casting (fire) priest 1 The priest can “lose” any prepared spell that is not a domain spell in order to cast any (fire) domain spell of the same spell level or lower.


  • Celstian (origin)
  • Peteran (bonus int)
  • Ubrekti (free, common equivalent)


Skill    Bonus    Bonus Derivation
Acrobatics 4 0 ranks, +2 dex, +2 halfling
Climb 1 0 ranks, -1 str, +2 halfling
Diplomacy 6 1 rank, +3 class skill, +2 cha
Heal 8 2 ranks, +3 class skill, +3 wis
Knowledge (arcana) 7 1 ranks, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 lore
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 7 1 ranks, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 lore
Knowledge (history) 6 1 ranks, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 lore
Knowledge (local) 6 1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 lore
Knowledge (nature) 6 1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 lore
Knowledge (religion) 7 2 ranks, +3 class skill, +1 int, +1 lore
Perception 6 1 rank, +3 wis, +2 halfling
Perform (oration) 7 2 ranks, +3 class skill, +2 cha
Sense Motive 7 1 rank, +3 class skill, +3 wis
Spellcraft 8 2 ranks, +3 class skill, +3 int

Spell Lists

Utility Set

  • level 0 - detect magic, light, resistance, stabilize
  • level 1 - bless, cure light wounds
  • domain 1 - burning hands, comprehend languages

Combat Set

  • level 0 - detect magic, light, resistance, stabilize
  • level 1 - bless, cure light wounds
  • domain 1 - burning hands, burning hands


character spreadsheet

Cloak of Resistance

cloak of resistance +1

Mithril Shirt


  • favored class: priest
  • traits: deft dodger and helpful halfling

level 1: priest 1

  • favored class: +1 skill point
  • feat: lucky halfling
  • domains: fire, knowledge, and luck
  • 1 diplomacy
  • 1 heal
  • 1 knowledge (history)
  • 1 knowledge (local)
  • 1 knowledge (religion)
  • 1 profession (preacher)
  • 1 sense motive
  • 1 spellcraft

level 2: priest 2

  • favored class: +1 skill point
  • 1 heal
  • 1 knowledge (arcana)
  • 1 knowledge (dungeoneering)
  • 1 knowledge (nature)
  • 1 knowledge (religion)
  • 1 perception
  • 1 profession (preacher)
  • 1 spellcraft

Notes for Future Levels

level 3: priest 3

  • favored class: +1 skill point
  • feat: selective channeling
  • 1 heal
  • 1 knowledge (geography)
  • 1 knowledge (local)
  • 1 knowledge (planes)
  • 1 knowledge (religion)
  • 1 perception
  • 1 profession (preacher)
  • 1 spellcraft