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To be finished on 3rd period. -gm

So how are domains dealt with in the monotheistic Alexandrian system? -Slitherrr 12:24, 11 December 2009 (EST)
Players pick whatever domains they want that are consistent with their personality and/or religious orders. In the current setting, Domains manifest when a cleric is first ordained and are more of a reflection of an individual priest moreso than anything else. In fact, the manifesting of domains often determines where a cleric will work, rather than the other way around. -gm
Is there a sorting hat? -Mattie
More seriously, I assume this means that evil clerics can also be Alexandrian? Their negative/positive channeling, rebuke/turn, etc, is determined more by their inner-self than anything else? -Mattie
Evil clerics CAN be Alexandrian, although it's almost always Lawful Evil and never ever Chaotic Evil. (The church, honestly, would probably prefer a Lawful Evil Arch-Warden to a Chaotic Good one.) It is as you say. When one decides to serve Alexandria, one is trained and then ordained. It is this second process which creates the conduit to access divine power. When one is ordained, it is the human conduit that gives that not only shape to that power, but also texture. Manifesting divine power is as much a reflection of the caster as much as the deity. Hell, probably more.
Ratnot Hand I and II were both evil and made it all the way to Arch-Warden. By acting evilly. -gm

Was the entire demi-pantheon acknowledged together, or did people pick and choose their particular gods and ignore ones they didn't care about? More poignantly, was the presence of only the Elven subset of the demi-pantheon in the tower because the Sidhe only worshiped that subset of the demi-pantheon? -Slitherrr