Wydmoor Free City

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Wymoor Free City is an independent city-state located at the meeting-point of Ubrekt, Odessa, and Alexia. Despite being surrounded by much larger empires, the city of Wydmoor is a highly autonomous city. This is in part due to its strategic location--the Wydmoor Fen to the east and the Bloodmane Hills to the north and west allow for strong defensive fortifications. However, the city is also politically protected, with a powerful mercantile tradition, substantial iron mines, and strong ties to the Arch-Warden and the Church of Alexandria. Finally, Wydmoor is one of the most significant and widely recognized Tragidore Shrines in the mainland, and draws a substantial number of pilgrims.


The City of Wydmoor has been an autonomously governed city-state since it was occupied in 701 FI by Ubrekti heretics during the disunity of the Third Interregnum, who cleared much of the swamp and quickly picked up productive agriculture. When besieged by the forces of Odriss Rockheart several years later, the city was already able to hold out the six years it took Rockheart and the heretics to truce. The leader of the heretics renounced the heresy and accepted the Hadriarchy of Wydmoor Free City. In 712 FI, when Rockheart assumed the Arch-Wardenship, he granted Wydmoor its autonomy in recognition of its support.


Recent History

In the winter of 1400 FI, a massive fire destroyed over a third of the Free City, wiping out the Warrens entirely, and doing significant damage to the craft and bazaar districts.

Political Structure

The city is governed by a mayor, who is one of two officials elected by a yearly popular vote. The office is currently held by Calvis Wydsomme, a well-connected and powerful figure who is the patriarch of one of the powerful First Families of Wydmoor. Wydmoor law and order is provided by the city guard, which is run by the second elected official, the sheriff. The current sheriff is Edrell Odenthorpe, a relative newcomer to the city who has caused some commotion with his surprising election.

The Hadriarch of Wydmoor is a powerful figure as well. The centuries long pilgrimage trade has financed the construction of a great cathedral and helps maintain the city's defense force, provided by the Bog Wraiths, a mercenary company that operates out of Castle Wydmoor. It also helps pay for the Town Magius, usually hired from one of the great Universities. The walled section of the city is about 8 square miles, along with another several miles of tightly regulated urban space outside of Wydmoor Castle and the river harbor. Another 15 miles to the north and south of the city are dedicated to intensive agriculture, most of which is retained by the government for a harvest cycle (in reserve for seige) before being dispersed among the citizens and sold for profit.

Diplomatic Relationships

Since the swamp effectively prevents access to Alexia, and the Bloodmane hills make travel to Odessa difficult, Wydmoor Free City is primarily influenced by Ubrekt to the south. While its autonomy assures an unusually diverse population, Ubrekti is by far the most common heritage, and at least three quarters claim current or ancestral Ubrekti ties.

There's an old Ubrekt saying: "What happens in Wydmoor Free City..."

"...will nevertheless lighten your purse."