Talk:RP: Dinner with Egg

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GM TAG OMG!!! -DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master

I'm going to claim some of the parts where Egg speaks for Germ as Germ actually saying it. It will be a little less wall-of-text and have a bit more of a real flow--I'm not sure Egg could quite dominate the conversation like that except that you got a bug up your ass to type. --Msallen

I think you'd be surprised. He's quite at home as a lecturer and expository machine. Just like any good researcher. -gm

Who are the prisoners? Also, you suggested I could make some knowledge (local) rolls to identify some of the bodies down there. Anyone have knowledge (local) for aid another rolls? --Msallen

Nope. Just my +11 --Msallen
What? Are you talking to yourself? Check the notes, but I thought that one or two of the Clerics were taken alive. If not, I can excise them. -GM
I don't remember if it was my chat page or eggs chat page, but somewhere you suggested that I might be able to recognize the wererat body at least. --Msallen
Is your Local:Wydmoor going to meet or beat DC20 when taking a 10? -gm

Also, does it seem like they knew we were comming down there? I get the impression they didn't. Germ was curious to get the sense that this was an ambush planned by Naprid, and it doesn't seem like it was. --Msallen

Nope, you cold got the drop on them. They did have a lot of spells memorized(hold person, wall of stone, etc) that were very combat oriented in nature. FWTW, if anything. -GM

Does anyone have a rundown on which prisoners were captured alive? -gm

I remember there were two that weren't outright killed. We definitely wrapped up the last game with the intent to bring them back for questioning by Egg.

(gm: you can assume Egg has been filled in on everything from the quest notes that the whole party knows, but probably no secrets other being put onto LE's [can someone clarify what this means? --sarah] [I assume the wording refers to how Egg was assigned to research the mystical tie you have to the historical wizard. --Mattie]. He thinks Al is a human, probably, and might not know that Kimika was a spy for the hadriarch)

Yeah, mattie has it. Egg knows something about LE's .... problem, but only because he was specifically instructed to dig more deeply into it. You can assume that anything that is "general knowledge," ie: most of the quest notes, he's already up to date about it. For anything kind of shameful or secret, I'm pretty sure G-man did *not* fill him in about that stuff, so unless a party member brings those things up (Kimi's early two facedness, etc.) he won't know anything about them. -gm