RP: Act II Opener

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Act I Climax Summary

  • Germain suggests not letting Mose know what Edrell has done, at least not immediately. Quin protests vehemently, and makes sure to tell Mose "Edrell screwed us over, but we gotta go to save 5000 people!"
  • Germain suggests, at the very least, not to tell anyone else about Edrell's betrayal, at least not until the party can decompress everything and plan a well thought out next move.
    • Fears the Silverwalkers will be implicated or even just scapegoated.
    • Information control: The Silverwalkers now find them in a position
    • False Flag: If the robbery could be pinned on the Thieves' Guild, that could give a plausable casus belli with the Guild as well as removing them from positions of power and influence.
  • Quin is willing to go along to an extent -> He's willing not to out Edrell (yet), but feels obligated to at least warn Bog Wraiths of the infiltration in case there are more infiltrators or the Silverwalkers fail.
    • On his way back through the Cathedral not-gate, Quin sends an acolyte to Naprid with a message: "City is under the attack! Also, your fire charm was stolen."
  • At the door to the Magius Keep, Germain makes it clear that he believes it will be best for the party to capture, not kill, the half-elf woman Edrell mentioned as his sister.
    • Party is relatively resistant, but ultimately agrees (though perhaps without conviction)

  • Battle Goes Down and Winds Down
    • The woman has been teleporting like mad, despite being in the same ROOM as the anti-teleport generator.
    • Woman also was originally encountered as a huge-size woman, and shrunk down to normal size after she was killed.

  • The Odessans, except the half-elf, are killed.
  • Kimi screams to the woman "We don't want to kill you! Edrell told us to spare you!"
  • The woman, herself clearly down to her last hit points, teleports into a back corner away from everyone.
  • LE lets loose a flurry of magic missiles and deals twenty-something points of force damage.
  • The woman is killed.

(Insert map of final battleground here)

In the last game, there was some looting done, and we can assume that the looting goes down during and after the conversation we're all about to have. For what it's worth, the half-elf woman's spiked chain (which seemed to exhibit the Radiant Energy quality) and her mithril breastplate (which seemed to exhibit the Glamoured trait), both radiate no magic whatsoever. Additionally, the stuff with Al's swan will go down at some point during this conversation in order to role play the full effect of that event, as well.

GermainToken.PNG Germain : LE! No! What did you do? I thought we said we were going to try to *capture* her!