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This setting uses a variant of the "Psionics Is Different" rule, as opposed to the "Magic/Psionic Transparency" presumed of most game settings, a hybrid perhaps best described as semi-transparency." At present, this is a very rough outline of the exceptions and rules, and should be considered a work in progress. The DM has final discretion in all instances of transparency in their own campaigns.

1. Dispelling: Unless specifically designed to deal with psionics, no magic short of a wish or miracle can dispel a psionic effect. No psionic ability short of Alter Reality can dispel a magical effect. At the GM's discretion, a spellcaster with appropriate ranks in Knowledge:Psionics and/or Psicraft might be able to craft rare spells to deal with Psionic threats. If these spells are found in the wild, they may be added to spellbooks or spell lists as normal.

2. Damage types are transparent. Therefore, a psionic fireball will be reduced by magical elemental protection and an arcane cone of cold can be absorbed using Energy Absorption.

3. Physical artifacts created by magic may be effected by Psionics. (Example, a Psionic Freedom of Movement will allow passage through a wizard's Web spell)

4. Psionic and magical abilities that give blanket protections are NOT transparent. (Example, a Psionic Freedom of Movement is not effective against a Cleric's Hold Person, and a magical Protection from Evil won't protect against a Psionic Hold Person.

5. Psionic and Magical effects that read minds, detect persons, or prevent scrying *are* transparent, and an exception to the rule above. So a Psionic Mind Blank is effective against a Far Sight spell, for example, and a Non-Detection spell will thwart psionic scrying, and psionic Scrying detection will detect arcane, divine, and psionic eavesdropping.

6. As suggested in the Psionics Expanded book, most creatures in the bestiary were created without psionics in mind, but clearly Psionics was never meant to trump dragons, mind flayers, etc. To address this issue, any creature with SR granted from an exceptional or supernatural ability (but not from an item or spell) has naturally occurring PR from the same source, only two less. So, a dragon with an SR of 25 would have a PR of 23. The reverse is also true of any creature listed with a PR but no SR.