Talk:Noble Scion

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The more I look at this class, the more I think that the PF skill changes + this class covers everything that I think Professional/Dragoman were supposed to address about 3.5. I'm increasingly in agreement with GM that we can get rid of those other classes and rely on what is already in place:

  • Skill point and class skill changes (+ more in-class feats/traits) makes it much easier to pick up a secondary profession/skill focus without needing to splash Prof. In short, we don't need professional as a splash class.
  • Increase to rogue versatility (talents, more defensive buffs, higher HP, more skills) means that Prof is no longer fills a unique role as the "more defensive, less fragile rogue".
  • Noble Scion has...
    • Unique and powerful social and knowledge skill buffs like the dragoman, and a focus on local knowledge (Prestigious Influence, Peerless patrician).
    • Broad knowledge and language skills like both dragoman and professional.
    • Leadership buffs like a professional (Greater leadership, Servitor).
    • Bonus skills feats like a professional (Regional expertise).
    • Multiclass support abilities (Dilettante studies).
  • The fact that it is available starting at level 6 means a lot of the unique skills come online at times that are compareable to professional/dragoman.

What does everyone think? Is it worth reskinning this class slightly to make it less noble focused and more professionally focuses? Ie. replace the knowledge (nobility) requirement with knowledge (local) and profession, and do something else with the special requirement? --Msallen

    • I don't hate that idea. Though, I'd already had some plot avenue ideas as well.... If you'd respond to my emails and interact with me in some way that isn't getting spanked in Ascension, we could sort out some prereqs. Germain has work to do, and you have that fancy office now. No excuses! -gm
    • I'm thinking about leaving affluent there, and stipulating it may only be spent on rents, services, or mundane gear for followers.
    • Needless to say, my take is that the special ability reduces the level restriction on your one follower, not that it grants additional, better followers. I agree both readings are plausible, but I prefer this for game balance, and I think if the intent was multiple followers, the new followers would be WORSE - not BETTER - than the one you start with. Isn't that how the comparable Animal Companion prestiges work? -gm