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=== Wydmoor ===
=== Wydmoor ===
[Mattiverse Dependent]
=== Gildenhome ===
=== Gildenhome ===

Revision as of 22:49, 13 October 2017


The Faith

Alexandrianism is still the order of the day but, in the wake of Collar's Calamity, the Church has been through something of a Great Schism mixed with an English Reformation, spiced with a pinch of Lutheran and Calvinist separatism.

Petaran Alexandrianism

  • Same as it ever was. Petara in general is ascendant and in the midst of a rare, outward looking mode, and have embassies in Celstia and Flannary both.
  • Petaran missionaries working in secret? With the Calamity, their Divine magic is as good as anyone else. Toleration probably runs on a scale from "suspicious outsider" (Flannary, Celstia, Wydmoor) to "burn on discovery" (Odessa)
  • Petarans? In MY Wydmoor? It's more likely than you think! It's the only real place to get Red Iron outside of Odessa. Why a nation of master metallurgists might want Red Iron is anyone's guess.

Western Alexandrianism

Western Alexandrianism is more decentralized in the wake of the Calamity, and Western Alexandrian priests no longer answer to the Arch-Warden. Indeed, most Western Alexandrians see themselves as the true heirs of Alexandria's legacy, while they see the Eastern Alexandrian faith as a puppet religion used by the Gilden to control the humans of the East.

Theoretically the Church and the Crown are co-equal; the Crown appoints new Hadriarchs (see also "lay investiture") while the Odessan Hadriarch anoints the new monarch. (Sure, that's sort of co-equal) Each major Western Alexandrian polity has their own Hadriarch that annoits the monarch. Odessa, Flannary, Celstia, Ubrekt, Wydmoor, [WALES PLACE], and [The Various Rump States of The Old Alexian Heartland] each have an Hadriarch. The Seven Hadriarch are the collective heads of what might be called Western Alexandrianism.

Over the past 20 or so years, a hyper-reactionary movement has taken root among the super-religious W. Alexandrians, especially in Celstia, [WALESLAND], Wydmoor, and [RUMP STATES]. These heretic movements reject the theological connection between The Stand an the current roster of Hadriarchs and totally deny the same of the Eastern Alexandrian Arch-Warden. These ""Protest-Stand"" Faiths (cough say it out loud) are a direct challenge to both the religious and secular authorities of the Western faith. They are heavily persecuted wherever they are found, and Odessa is particularly active in exporting Witch Hunters to western Alexandrian states to root out the ""Protest-Stands." The Radicals take a dim view of the Petaran's faith overall and sometimes cause problems even in tolerant areas by murdering Petarans.

  • Odessan Hadriarch is
  • Celstian Hadriarch is
  • Flannari Hadriarch is
  • Ubrekti Hadriarch is
  • Wydmoorian Hadriarch is
  • [WALES PLACE] Hadriarch is
  • [RUMP STATES] Hadriarch is

Eastern Alexandrianism

Eastern Alexandrianism still maintains a (tremendously diminished) Arch-Warden, tight hierarchy, and direct investiture. Arch-Wardens since The Calamity have always been human, though most of the Curia are Dwarven. The Eastern Church still maintains control of the coinage of most of the East.

  • The Arch-Warden is ... from ...


The Travelers stll exist as a Faith Militant in the Eastern faith. Western Paladinly orgs also exist, but are a lot more independent and monastic and quasi-mercenary like the Templars or whatever other medieval holy order company you prefer. ""Protest-Stand"" Paladins are quite a bit more - uh - rigidly puritanical than the baseline. Which, yes, is saying something.

Nations of the World


The Odessan royal family entered into a political/marriage alliance with the Flannary royals. Tennyson XII, Aden II, and Tennyson XIII all took Flannary princesses as brides. The Flannary kings, likewise, married Odessan princesses. Not only has this maintained an alliance for over a century now, but -- by total coincidence -- it has consistently removed eldest daughters from the lines of succession.

  •  ????-1392 : Queen Eloise I
  • 1392-1405 : Regency of Prince Aden
    • Age 17-30 [13 years]
  • 1404-1410 : Queen Regency for Tennyson XII [6 Years]
  • 1410-1473 : King Tennyson XII
    • Age 16-79 [63 years]
  • 1473-1482 : King Aden I
    • Age 63-72 [9 years]
  • 1482-Pres : King Tennyson XIII
    • Current Age: 66 [33 years so far]

There could be a better spread here? Dunno.


  • Much of its far northern frontier has been lost to halflings, monsters, and bandits, but the core of the nation has recovered to a position of prosperity. With maritime connections to the Petarans and a border with Fresia, it serves as the Odessan/Celstian/[WALESLANDIAN/Petaran] connection to the Golden Road.
  • Sort of a blank slate at present: Probably has a king or a queen or something? Maybe a Regency would be more interesting? Either some sort of dipshit council, or otherwise some sort of Richelieu-like figure from the church?
  • As the intersection of so many different places and groups in the west, and with Wydmoor a bit more of a legitimate state now, it might be the new place for our requisite "City of Intrigue to go. (Erith)


  • Seen as religious weirdos and hicks in the West. The lands lost to plague were never recovered, but the smaller nation is much more centralized and the Emperor is a strong position, even if he should rightly be called a King. There are several "free cities" still, and there are still technically elections, but the loss of the frontier dutchies means that since the Calamity a single family has been able to continually manage the elections.
  • Fresia retains its character and thrives as the middlemen between the Golden Road and the exotic (Dwarven/Gnomish) lands of the East. They also have a connection to the Chrysanthemum Gulf via the Silver Highway.
  • Fresia has launched several campaigns against the territory across the river, to mixed results. The Empire has settlements and even fortifications on the far side of the river, but pushing into the more heavily forested lands to the north has not met with any sustained success.



  • The king was deposed back during the Calamity, a nasty civil war, and a bit of an ethnic cleansing. A large number of them landed in Wydmoor and the Rump States. Hakani are by far the largest human group in Wydmoor and are substantial minorities in the Rump States.
  • Back to being run by the Senate, which is no doubt shady af. Wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of Necromancers behind the scenes in a group of mega-old people with old money and old blood. Wouldn't be surprised if some of the King's family - annointed by Alexandria herself as they were - ended up as some nasty blood ritual or something, or I'm am sure there are rumors to that effect, at least.
  • Possibly another location of City of Intrigue, but probably more like Ancient City of Decadence and Wealth. [Seat of Ubrekt Metroplex]


[Mattiverse Dependent]




The New States



(Neo-Temporal Authority)

(City-State Confederation)

(The Petty Kingdom)

(Pirate Principalities)

Servitor City-States

