Vision Circlet
A Vision Circlet is a church-created divination item used by the clergy of the Alexandrian Church, most commonly created during the Fourth Interregnum to assist in leading believers forward during this difficult time. These items come in various levels of power, and lesser versions of the Vision Circlet are sometimes given to new clerics and lesser emissaries, especially those sent on assignments that will leave them out of contact with experienced advisors.
There are different levels of Vision Circlets that were created by and for different levels of clerics, paladins, and their emissaries.
Vision Circlet, Minor
- Omen of Peril 1/day as 1st level caster.
- The vision received is involuntarily spoken aloud by the user.
- Usually given to low ranked clerics to help guide them when they are out of contact from superiors.
Vision Circlet
- Omen of Peril 1/day as 10th level caster.
- The vision received is involuntarily spoken aloud by the user.
- Often given to head cleric in a local church of sufficient prestige.
Vision Circlet, Major
- Augury 1/day as 10th level caster.
- A vision reflecting the divination answer is seen in the mind's eye of the wearer.
- Most Hadriarchs are given a Greater Vision Circlet upon their ordination.
Advanced Circlets
More powerful versions of the circlets are known to exist, but the details of their capabilities are not discussed outside of upper church circles. The circlet worn by Edrell Dakt was rumored to be an especially powerful Vision Circlet.