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{{Mose}} is really confused: What in the world is going on? Quinn said that Edrell betrayed us, but now Germain is siding with him? What has happened? And who are these people we just killed here in Edrell's tower? Are they Edrell's friends? Clearly they were trying to ruin the city, but I don't know how they would get in here if Edrell didn't let them in.
{{Mose}} is really confused: What in the world is going on? Quinn said that Edrell betrayed us, but now Germain is siding with him? What has happened? And who are these people we just killed here in Edrell's tower? Are they Edrell's friends? Clearly they were trying to ruin the city, but I don't know how they would get in here if Edrell didn't let them in.
{{Al}} : These dudes were trying to turn off the teleport ward for some reason.  Can't figure out why they thought that would be a good idea, but at least Ed told us what was up as he ...  Er '''glances at {{Germain}}, unsure of his Grand Plan, but at least aware that one exists that might involve not telling {{Mose}} everything just yet'''.  So, uh, we stopped these dudes from turning off the teleport ward.  Shouldn't have killed that lady, though I have a feeling it doesn't really matter. '''glances again at his backpack'''
{{Al}} : These dudes were trying to turn off the teleport ward for some reason.  Can't figure out why they thought that would be a good idea, but at least Ed told us whttp://wiki.memphisgamers.com/index.php?title=Act_II_Opener&action=edit&section=2 hat was up as he...  Er '''glances at {{Germain}}, unsure of his Grand Plan, but at least aware that one exists that might involve not telling {{Mose}} everything just yet'''.  So, uh, we stopped these dudes from turning off the teleport ward.  Shouldn't have killed that lady, though I have a feeling it doesn't really matter. '''glances again at his backpack'''
{{LE}} carefully steps around the nodes to loot what she can. She doesn't seem to hear anything, even the deafening noise from the generator. She seems either deep in thought or completely without thought, you can't tell which.
{{LE}} carefully steps around the nodes to loot what she can. She doesn't seem to hear anything, even the deafening noise from the generator. She seems either deep in thought or completely without thought, you can't tell which.
{{Kimika}} looks dazed, still reeling from all the events of the last few hours. She rushes over to the half-elven woman to see if there's anything at all she can do for her. She kneels down next to her and, despite her being dead, at least makes an effort to wrap any wounds and prepare her corpse respectfully.
{{Kimika}} looks dazed, still reeling from all the events of the last few hours. She rushes over to the half-elven woman to see if there's anything at all she can do for her. She kneels down next to her and, despite her being dead, at least makes an effort to wrap any wounds and prepare her corpse respectfully.
{{Germain}} looks conflicted : Edrell did betray us, Mose... at least, in a fashion. These were his friends, and even family, and they expected Edrell to be here to let them in so they could turn off the City's defenses and capture it. '''Germain grimaces, clearly saying something he would rather not say.''' Edrell was the mole and the traitor, Mose, and he used us to further his agenda and pull off a massive bank heist against the [[Wydmoor Bank]]. He betrayed our trust, and because we now know his plans and know that we aided and abetted in them, he has put us in quite the predicament.
The complicating factor is that he also betrayed the [[Odessans]], letting us in on their plan and sending us here to stop it. And, frankly, he's given Wydmoor the closest thing to an army that it's ever had, and probably put us in the unique position to save this city and end this war. I know some of you aren't comfortable with moral grey areas, but we are stuck in one now sure as a dwarf's hammer. I can think of some ways out of this mess, but all of them are either going to put our necks on the line or require is to politic and lie through our teeth.
{{Germain}} directs a pointed look at {{Mose}} and {{Quinalin}} : We're now major power players in Wydmoor, but to save our collective asses and save this city, we're going to have to act like power players. And you two in particular have been awful squeamish about the practical realities of wielding power. I'd argue that the truth will get us killed, but the right lies will make this city a better place. Regardless, nothing will work unless we all buy in to the plan. What do you say?

Revision as of 23:55, 26 November 2011

Act I Climax Summary

  • LE , I believe, finally accepted the Melkior-related documents from Edrell. (she took the scroll case -sarah)
  • Germain suggests not letting Mose know what Edrell has done, at least not immediately. Quin protests vehemently, and makes sure to tell Mose "Edrell screwed us over. I'll explain later, but we have to go NOW or the city will fall!"
  • Germain suggests, at the very least, not to tell anyone else outside of the Silverwalkers about Edrell's betrayal, at least not until the party can decompress everything and plan a well thought out next move.
    • He Fears the Silverwalkers will be implicated in the crime or even flat-out scapegoated.
      • Not only did the SW work closely with Edrell for between 1 and 3 years, depending, the SW were also the ones who gave Edrell at least one keys he needed (the mayoral ring) to open the vaults. Plus several other actions that further cast suspicion on you guys as accomplices. Sure, this was almost always done on false pretenses, but the optics are terrible. If the accusation is made, you willing to go through the Wydmoor or Church judicial systems? Even with Germain as your lawyer?
    • He believes in Information control: The Silverwalkers for the first time find them in a position where they know things no one else knows.
    • He sees the potential for False Flagging: If the robbery could be pinned on the Thieves' Guild, that could give a plausable casus belli to act against the Guild as well as potentially driving a wedge between them and the War Council.
  • Quin is willing to go along with this, to an extent, for now. -> He's willing not to out Edrell (yet), but feels obligated to at least warn Bog Wraiths of the infiltration in case there are more infiltrators or the Silverwalkers fail in their mission.
    • On his way back through the Cathedral not-gate, Quin sends an acolyte to Naprid with a message: "City is under the attack! Also, your fire charm was stolen."
  • At the door to the Magius Keep, Germain makes it clear that he believes it will be best for the party to capture, not kill, the half-elf woman Edrell mentioned as his sister.
    • Party is relatively resistant, but ultimately agrees not to kill her if they can help it. (Although, as we will see, those promises were, perhaps, not made in good faith.)

  • Battle Goes Down and Winds Down
    • The woman has been teleporting like mad, despite being in the same ROOM as the anti-teleport generator.
    • Woman also was originally encountered as a huge-size woman, and shrunk down to normal size after she was killed.

  • The Odessans, except the half-elf, are killed.
  • Kimi screams to the woman "We don't want to kill you! Edrell told us to spare you!"
  • The woman, herself clearly down to her last hit points, teleports into a back corner away from everyone.
  • LE lets loose a flurry of magic missiles and deals twenty-something points of force damage.
  • The woman is killed.

In the last game, there was some looting done, and we can assume that the looting goes down during and after the conversation we're all about to have. For what it's worth, the half-elf woman's spiked chain (which seemed to exhibit the Radiant Energy trait) and her mithril breastplate (which seemed to exhibit the Glamoured trait), both radiate no magic whatsoever upon close examination.

Additionally, the stuff with Al's swan statue, Mulligan, will go down at some point later on during this conversation in order to role play the full effect of that event

Silverwalkers Discussion

The second Act opens just as the adrenaline fog clears from everyone's mind and bullet time goes away. The party is scattered around the room, also filled with dead bodies, as pictured above. The battle is won, but all of the Odessans have been killed. The integrity of the teleport ward has been maintained. The lightning arcs and flares across the room, filling the room with light and sound. The party must shout to be heard.

GermainToken.PNG Germain scowls at LE : Damnit! We could have leveraged that into a surrender!

GermainToken.PNG Germain sighs : Let's get this mess cleaned up... we can be heroes or villians depending on how the next few hours go, and I want to leave this room with a plan that we all agree on. Say what you will of him, Edrell has left us with an out if we are willing to take it. He's promised to stage his own death, and we can spin this like he informed us of this attack and went off to stop the robbery on his own. Do we take it?

AlToken.PNG Al Roar, growl, rrrrgwlll. Snarl, roar, growl. realizes no one understands, changes back to elf form Dude, that was far out. My dad would FREAK if he knew I just fought a half-elf. somewhat sadly Might even make him proud that I helped kill her. glances expectantly at backpack, then glances around the room Man, what a mess. Next time we see Ed he's not gonna have to fake his death. Though I guess he did help us save all those people. Still, man, what he did was not cool.

GermainToken.PNG Germain shrugs : Really? Do you care? He stole money from the people who decided to let the refugees die. The people that were more concerned about saving their own ass than doing what was right. In some cases, the very people that antagonized this conflict in the first place. I don't like what he did, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for the people he did it to. If I find out he was responsible for the fire, my opinion may change, but right now the only thing I'm upset about is the mess he put me in.

MoseToken.PNG Mose is really confused: What in the world is going on? Quinn said that Edrell betrayed us, but now Germain is siding with him? What has happened? And who are these people we just killed here in Edrell's tower? Are they Edrell's friends? Clearly they were trying to ruin the city, but I don't know how they would get in here if Edrell didn't let them in.

AlToken.PNG Al : These dudes were trying to turn off the teleport ward for some reason. Can't figure out why they thought that would be a good idea, but at least Ed told us whttp://wiki.memphisgamers.com/index.php?title=Act_II_Opener&action=edit&section=2 hat was up as he... Er glances at GermainToken.PNG Germain, unsure of his Grand Plan, but at least aware that one exists that might involve not telling MoseToken.PNG Mose everything just yet. So, uh, we stopped these dudes from turning off the teleport ward. Shouldn't have killed that lady, though I have a feeling it doesn't really matter. glances again at his backpack

LEToken.PNG LE carefully steps around the nodes to loot what she can. She doesn't seem to hear anything, even the deafening noise from the generator. She seems either deep in thought or completely without thought, you can't tell which.

KimikaToken.PNG Kimika looks dazed, still reeling from all the events of the last few hours. She rushes over to the half-elven woman to see if there's anything at all she can do for her. She kneels down next to her and, despite her being dead, at least makes an effort to wrap any wounds and prepare her corpse respectfully.

GermainToken.PNG Germain looks conflicted : Edrell did betray us, Mose... at least, in a fashion. These were his friends, and even family, and they expected Edrell to be here to let them in so they could turn off the City's defenses and capture it. Germain grimaces, clearly saying something he would rather not say. Edrell was the mole and the traitor, Mose, and he used us to further his agenda and pull off a massive bank heist against the Wydmoor Bank. He betrayed our trust, and because we now know his plans and know that we aided and abetted in them, he has put us in quite the predicament.

The complicating factor is that he also betrayed the Odessans, letting us in on their plan and sending us here to stop it. And, frankly, he's given Wydmoor the closest thing to an army that it's ever had, and probably put us in the unique position to save this city and end this war. I know some of you aren't comfortable with moral grey areas, but we are stuck in one now sure as a dwarf's hammer. I can think of some ways out of this mess, but all of them are either going to put our necks on the line or require is to politic and lie through our teeth.

GermainToken.PNG Germain directs a pointed look at MoseToken.PNG Mose and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin : We're now major power players in Wydmoor, but to save our collective asses and save this city, we're going to have to act like power players. And you two in particular have been awful squeamish about the practical realities of wielding power. I'd argue that the truth will get us killed, but the right lies will make this city a better place. Regardless, nothing will work unless we all buy in to the plan. What do you say?