Talk:Barbarian King's Buckler

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Heh. A mixed blessing, although I suppose it's a barbarian's job to have enough hitpoints to take it. -Slitherrr

The Sword sort of has the same motif, wot with the vicious trait and all. -gm
We'll have to see how this works for germain, who is sort of a sissy. --Msallen 10:09, 14 December 2009 (EST)
I have to admit, I was kind of surprised that Germain was so quick to grab the pincushion shield -gm
It worked like a charm in the end. Best. Cursed. Armor. Ever. --Msallen
I do think you've done a great job making lemons from lemonaide here. It's kind of a "grey" curse from the very outset, though. The barbarian king probably didn't even give a shit about being pelted with arrows, he probably had a DR of like 5. -gm