Talk:Mefighter beta team sixteenth session notes

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Note: Gnob's Folly did not kill the Masked Gnome: Team Mefight Ninth Session -Slitherrr 02:17, 2 September 2014 (EDT)

Seems plausible. Did you turn a living Mask Gnome over to the Dwarves or did Pegg kill the captured MG? I know that Xorry/Thed ended up with his Repeater and Batgnome Armor. -gm
According to Ninth Session notes: "they march the Masked Gnome straight to Kleptinax and tell him the entire story". I seem to remember Kleptinax locking him up, but you'd have to search the chat logs for canon (so long ago!), but I remember us keeping him alive and nude. -Slitherrr
Well, so be it. We can all forgive Kleptinax for the white lie, I suppose. -gm
A gift of Wydmoor electrum from us, and he repays us by maligning our reputation with rumors of bloodthirst??? DASTARDLY. (by which, I actually mean, "lol") -Slitherrr