Category:Mattsters of the Mattiverse

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Apt, Edi, Mad Gokar and Russ, who met in Prycedown when contracted by an old woman to put some Goblins in their place.

Notable Deeds

  • Quelled the menace of Belak, who sought to seed the Mainland with the progeny of a foul tree
  • Have knowledge of a dragon's location (but definitely haven't told anyone about it)
  • Obtained the legendary Fire Opal from the abandoned monastery in the wilds North of Dockalong
  • Defeated the Fiendish Harpy Arekla and conveyed a young Halfling from certain death into a long life filled with PTSD. Also, convinced a badly tamed Faun that life among Humans isn't really all that great.
  • Traded blows with a Bull Scrag Troll, and gave a coven of hags what-for
  • Defeated the Mummy Monk Bros in a grueling battle
  • Lost one of their own defeating a gruesome Otyugh Queen and her spawn

Party Bonus Traits

  • Swamp-Whisperers: The Mattiverse avoids all non-ambush encounters while in Wydmoor Swamp

Language Aptitudes

Mattiverse Languages by Member
Ubrekti Celestian Odessan Orcish Ssel'it Ulani (??? type) Bedowyld Petaran Kobold Gnoll Goblin Old Ubrekti Unassigned
Russ x x x x x x
Gokar x x x x x
Edi x x x x x
Yoa x x

Skill Aptitude

- Particularly terrible at, or no ranks and not a class skill
<blank> Not particularly notable
+ Can do if pressed, or can aid another without being completely awful
++ Notably good at
+++ Expert within the party
++++ Completely exceptional
Russ Edi Mad Yoa (Try)
Acrobatics - + + - -
Appraise ++ - ++ - -
Bluff - - - - -
Climb + - ++ - -
Craft (Alchemy) ++++ ++++ - -
Diplomacy - ++ - +++ -
Disable Device - - - +++
Disguise ++ - - + -
Escape Artist - - - - +
Fly + - - ++
Handle Animal - - - ++ -
Heal ++++ +++ ++ - -
Intimidate - + + +
Knowledge (Arcana) +++ ++ +++ - -
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) - ++ - - -
Knowledge (Engineering) - + - - -
Knowledge (Geography) - ++ - - -
Knowledge (History) - ++ + - -
Knowledge (Local) ++ + + -
Knowledge (Nature) +++ ++ ++ - -
Knowledge (Nobility) - + - - -
Knowledge (Planes) - ++ - +++ -
Knowledge (Religion) - +++ - - -
Linguistics + + - ++ -
Perception ++ ++ ++ + +++
Perform (Oration) - +++ - - -
Profession (Sailor) +
Ride - - - + -
Sense Motive - ++ - + -
Sleight of Hand - - - - -
Spellcraft +++ ++ +++ ++ -
Stealth - - - - ++++
Survival +++ - ++ - -
Swim ++++ - - - +
Use Magic Device ++ - - ++ -
