Athasian Intermission Quest Notes 2016-08-21
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The Teamening
Camgee - halfling looking for his missing halfling delegation
Utaa of the Rains - exotic human(?) woman that Camgee seems to have hired for his mission
- Dancin’
Dancin' Dote - a wiry warrior, partnered up with Ugly 2.0
Ugly 2.0 - a mul, partner of Dancin’ Dote, he and DD got hired by Camgee to search for his missing delgation
Vesa - a soft looking noble. Probably useless. Looking for her wayward cousin who has joined a cult that reveres the smell of dead bodies. Freakin’ weirdos.
Quay the Lucky - Vesa’s slave. Also very soft looking, but can throw a mean dagger and is good at gathering information
Awkward Introduction
Ugly 2.0 and
Dancin' Dote walk into The Swinging Sword and are quickly offered a job by
Camgee and
Utaa of the Rains to help him find his lost halfling delegation.
Vesa and
Quay the Lucky overhear their conversation and see that the halfling is flashing a lot of silver around. They decide to go over and offer their services as well in the hopes that the others can help in
Vesa’s quest to find her wayward cousin, lost to a cult.
Camgee was understandably skeptical because both
Vesa and
Quay the Lucky look pretty soft, but
Quay the Lucky showed off his knife throwing skills very skilfully and won
Camgee’s respect. *
Vesa was accepted into the group only after she told them that they don’t get
Quay the Lucky without her and also that she would not ask for any of
Camgee’s food or money.
- And thus, the group was formed.
Water requirements in the desert
- See:
- Sheet is a work in progress. Feedback welcome.
- Medium creatures need 2 gal/day and small creatures = 1 gal/day. So party = 11 gal/day
- Water costs 1 ceramic per 5 gallons
- Water weighs 8lbs for 1 gallon
- Erdlu (a giant bird) can carry 200lbs or 25 gallons of water. - that’s 2 days for the party, including the erdlu.
- Everyone else is to carry 10 gallons of water (80lbs) - except Camgee who carries 5 gal (40lbs), and that will give us another 5 days each. That will cost 2 ceramic per person (or 1 ceramic for Camgee).
- For food, 1 ceramic per lb of food. We need 2lbs per medium person a day. So for 7 days, that’s 14 ceramic and 14lbs of food. Small creatures need 1 lb per day.
- So food and water for 7 days is 94lbs per person (except Camgee who needs 47 lb), not counting the water the erdlu is carrying.
The Quest Begins
Vesa then sent
Quay the Lucky off to gather more information about both problems.
The Rumor Mill
- Tarnlar kids at Lance Rock (plagues and hermits) -- both from Kaylessa and Stannon (random rogue)
- Hostel outside / elves - they may know more information
- Haunted Tomb -- probably gith though. (cleared - there was indeed gith as well as an actual ghost and an animated sword)
- Secret tunnel behind the brickyard where hooded folks come and go at night -- possibly cult for quest of Vesa and Quay’s quest.
- Sunder Hills events like fog and cold winds.
- Snake headed rats seen around Kled
- Ghostly flying lizards
- Place with a skill nailed to a boulder - we went out to see the skull. There was a note made out of human skin that says, “The Last Laugh / You’ll be next! / Valklondar”
- Lance Rock - sign that says something about staying away so you don’t get diseased. Go further in and find signs of a defiler as well as 3 zombies and 3 skeletons, which we dispatch. Found a room with a stone slab covered in blood (probably). Ended session there after taking a short rest.
- Kaylessa, proprietor of The Swinging Sword in Kled, offered 1 sp a person for investigating Lance Rock, which she suspects is the source of all the regions problem.
- Brigands harassing folks on outskirts of Kled -south cairn road out of town, talk to Harbaraak -- may be a reward
Party Common pool
- Erdlu (200 lb capacity)
- 25 gal water (200 lb)